Chapter 29

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Spring training went by way too fast and I'm in Atlanta since I wasn't traveling with Leah being so small and Dansby is in New York for opening day.

I'm so proud of the progress he's made since November, it's like he's a whole new person after his stint in PT and I'm so glad because it's made him a better baseball player and he has a new outlook on life.

Leah and I were sitting on the couch watching the pregame ceremonies and it's going to be awhile before Dansby comes back home, but I'll manage. But if Chelsea calls me and tells me she's in Labor, I have to call Dansby's parents and have them meet me at the hospital to take Leah. 

I'm the closest thing Chelsea has since her family isn't in Atlanta and Freddie is in New York. "Are you ready to watch Daddy on TV?" I asked Leah and she started giggling like it was her job. I love her laugh and just fall in love with her every time I look at her because she's a spitting image of Dansby. 

My phone rang and I picked it up from the coffee table and it was an unknown caller, hesitantly I answered. "Hello?" I said putting the TV on mute. "You have one incoming call from the Atlanta County Jail, press one to answer." The recorded voice said. 

I knew it was Ryan calling me and I was very hesitant to press one, but I did anyway. I took in a deep breath when I heard him on the other line. "Taylor." He said and I let out the breath. "Ryan, how did you get my number? My new one at that." I said getting agitated with him already. 

He laughed and I shivered, I hated his laugh. "I have my ways sweetheart. I'm just here to tell you that they're shortening my sentence and I'll be out sooner than everyone thought. So you better watch out." He said and that made me almost burst into tears right then and there. 

"Oh great, so I'll just take your ass back to court and have you arrested for stalking me again and harassing me? Good luck getting near me." I said and he laughed again. "Your wish is my command sweetheart, see you real soon." He said and then the line went dead. 

I hung up and immediately called Dansby. "Baby what's wrong, you never call me right before a game." He said sounding all worried and he should be. "I just got a phone call from Ryan in jail, they're shortening his sentence and he's getting out sooner, I don't know when but I'm scared." I said crying. 

"It's going to be okay, call our lawyer and get everything set with him. Have your parents come down and stay with you till I'm home alright? I don't want nothing happening to you and Leah. I love you both so much and I'll talk to you after the game alright?" He said. He sounded so calm while I was freaking out.

"Alright Dansby, I love you too, play good for us." I said and we hung up and I called my parents and told them everything and they were packing and coming right over. "Taylor, I've spoken to you way too many times now, what's going on?" My lawyer joked as he answered the phone. 

"Ryan called me from jail today. He said they were shortening his sentence and that's he's getting out early. Please tell me there's something you can do about this?" I asked as there was a knock on the door and the dogs went nuts. 

I went over and let my parents in and Leah ran right over to them. "Sorry, I didn't hear a word you just said because of the dogs and my parents just got here." I said going into the kitchen to get away from the noise. 

"That's quite alright. I said that I will talk to whoever I need to talk to and make sure that he will not come near your family and make sure he stays in jail and serves his full sentence. Until then, lay low and don't go many places unless needed." 

I nodded. "I can't believe this is happening to me." I said putting my free hand on my forehead. "I know sweetie, it's hard but you're strong and you have Dansby and your little girl to get you through everything, I know you can do it." He said and that made me smile. 

"Thank you, you've really been a lot of help to me and my family and I don't think I could ever repay you for what you've done." I said. "Well I'm just doing my job Taylor. I'll let you know information when I get some." He said. 

We said our goodbyes and I went back into the living room and sat down on the other couch that my parents weren't on. "So are you not allowed to go out or anything without thinking he's watching you even though he's in jail?" My mom asked and I sighed. 

"Basically yeah. My lawyer just told me to lay low and he's going to talk to whoever he needs to. I want to make sure that he stays in jail and deserves what he's done to our family." I said. "I agree, ever since you dated him I knew he was bad news." My dad said and I laughed and shook my head. 

"Dad you've said that about everyone that I dated." I said and he shook his head. "No that's not true because I don't think that about Dansby. Ryan was different than every other guy." He said and I nodded, he was right. Ryan didn't treat me the way a guy should treat a woman. 

The game had finally started and it was good to watch Dansby play again. They took a whooping  and they lost 0-6, but they can't be down about that because it's only the first game of the season. 

I didn't expect my phone to ring so soon after the game, but I knew what it was when I looked and saw it was Chelsea calling me and not Dansby. "Are you in labor?!" I asked as soon as I answered the phone. "Yep, get your ass over here!" She said. 

"Mom dad, you need to watch Leah for me. Chelsea is in labor and I have to go bring her to the hospital. If you need anything call Dansby's parents." I said rushing around the living room grabbing things. 

"Go sweetie, we've got everything." They said and I grabbed my keys and got into my car and rushed over to her house. "Alright, let's go!" She said as I helped her into the car and off to the hospital we went. 

What and eventful day and what an eventful night this is going to be.

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