Chapter 27

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I got home from Cabo two days ago and today I'm going dress shopping with my mom, Dansby's mom and Chelsea. I couldn't wait to see what looks good on me and what doesn't. I was also picking out the mom's dresses and the bridesmaids dresses as well. Chelsea may be pregnant but she's still going to look good in the dress. 

Dansby starts physical therapy today which his dad is bringing him to and I know he's ready to get out of the house and the bed. "How excited are you to find your dress today?" Dansby asked as I was getting ready. "Super excited. I can't wait to find the dress." I said walking back into the bedroom. 

"How excited are you to get out of this house for the first time since you've been home?" I asked helping him get dressed and everything. "Pumped even though it's for PT, I'm still getting out of the house." He said with a laugh. Once I finished dressing him, I went into our closet to get dressed as well. (outfit in media)

I then went into Leah's nursery and got her ready for the day because she was coming with us to dress shop because she needed a dress too. "Alright, is everyone ready to go?" I asked as I walked downstairs with Leah on my hip. "Yes we are!" My mom said and I laughed. "Cooter, you good to help Dansby?" I asked looking at him and he nodded. 

"You girls go and have fun. I'm good with Dansby." He said giving us hugs and sending us off to dress shopping. We went off to Kleinfeld in Atlanta and they have the best dresses. Dansby was paying for my dress which I thought that was sweet of him to do that. He's already paying for a lot of things for the wedding so I thought he was being a little extra for this. 

We walked in and got right with my consultant and we started out with the moms dresses first and it was easy and then we went with Leah's dress which was adorable to look at and she keeps growing up too fast and she needs to slow down and be little forever. 

Then we went on to the bridesmaids dresses. Since Maci isn't in my wedding any more, Chelsea was now going to be my maid of honor. I was choosing red for the dresses, but Chelsea wanted to tell us what the gender of her baby was, so she was wearing the color dress. 

She went in and changed and came out in a blue dress. "You're having a boy?!"

 I said getting up and giving her a hug. "Now our babies can date when they get older!" She said and I laughed. "I will agree to that, Dansby on the other hand probably won't." I said and she went back in and changed into the real bridesmaid dress and she looked beautiful. 

We picked out the one she had on for the three of them and then it was finally my turn to try on all the dresses I wanted. I went through about 10 dresses before I finally found the one and I was in love. I stepped out and my mom started crying immediately. 

"Oh sweetie, that's the one." She said getting up and coming over to me. Chelsea and Nancy both had tears in their eyes and Leah was sound asleep in her car seat. "I know it is. Nancy, do you think Dansby will love it?" I said turning to her and she had the biggest smile on her face. 

"Sweetie, he won't be able to keep his hands off of you. But I don't want another little Leah this soon. But it is gorgeous." She said and I laughed. I tried on a veil and I knew that this was meant to be. 

I took the dress of and sent it to be altered along with every other dress and paid for it all today. We all went out to lunch and had a great girls day. I couldn't believe I had found my wedding dress and that Chelsea was having a boy! 

It's like my life was falling into place piece by piece and as long as Ryan stayed out of the picture, my life was as amazing as it could get. I have a perfect fiancé, who may be in PT but he's still perfect, a beautiful little girl, a great best friend in Chelsea, great parents and great soon to be in-laws. 

We all drove back home and went our separate ways except Nancy came inside with Leah and I. "Dansby, we're home!" I said as I walked through the door and we went into the living room and saw Cooter and Dansby watching basketball. 

"How was shopping, did you find the one?" Dansby asked as I handed him Leah and giving him a kiss. "Yes I did and it's beautiful. Your mom told me that you're probably not going to keep your hands off of me." I said with a laugh.

"I mean I can't do that now so what's going to be the difference?" After that everyone was laughing. "You do have a point there Dans, but I'm sure you're going to love it." I said kissing his cheek and then his parents left us to be a little family again. 

I grabbed Leah from him and took her into the bathroom and gave her a quick bath before feeding her and rocking her to sleep. "You ready to come upstairs?" I asked and he nodded and got himself up. "Wow you must have done good today." I said helping him up the stairs. 

"Yeah, he's going to work me hard and I'll be back to baseball in no time." He said as he sat down on our bed. I went into the bathroom and changed into pajamas and helped him get ready for bed. 

"Taylor, why do you love me?" He asked and I was laying my head on his chest and I sighed drawing random patterns on his stomach. "Because of how happy you've made me. You've given me the best thing I could have in life. You always take a bad situation and make it a good one no matter what. You're so good with Leah and you're my soul mate. I knew it from the moment we met we would be together forever. It was fate when we met in the elevator." 

"It's like life was trying to bring us together." He said kissing my head. "Like I said, some would say it's fate."

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