Valentine's Day(Sam)*Requested*

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Requested by Youngandbold45

Sam's POV
Today is Valentine's Day and I have no idea what to get Skylar. I've never had girlfriend before so I'm completely new to this.

"Need any help, sir?"someone asks from behind me. I turn around and see a petite girl smiling at me.

"Uh yeah,"I nod,"I don't know what to get my girlfriend. I- I'm kind of new to this."

"Oh ok,"her smile fading,"follow me,"she starts walking to an aisle and I follow her. She stops at the beginning of it and gives my a small smile, gesturing towards the aisle.

"Thank you,"I smile and start looking around. My eye catches a big teddy bear. Skylar's been talking about wanting one of these for awhile now. I take the bear and look at the price, $20.00.

Holy shit!

I take it anyways knowing that this'll make her happy and that's all I want her to be. I also pick out a descent sized heart shaped box of chocolates.

Hopefully she'll like this.

I go to the checkout and wait in the long line of people who already look tired of standing there.

After about ten minutes it's finally my turn. I place the items down and the cashier lazily scan the price tags.

"Your total is $26.25,"he says and I hand him the money. I grab the bag and he mumbles 'have a nice day'.

I get into my car then drive off to her house. My heart it pounding and my palms are sweaty. I'm really nervous about this. What if she hates the gifts and then breaks up with me? That's the last thing I want.

After what seems like forever I finally get to her house. I get out the car and grab the stuffed bear then the chocolates. I tear off the price tags then make my way towards the front door. I'm nervous as fuck but I hope she won't notice. I knock on the door and she answers.

"Hey, Sam,"Skylar says.

"H- hi,"I stutter,"umm... I bought you these."

She giggles as I put out the gifts and she takes them,"what's all this for?"

"Valentine's Day,"I say smiling.

"Oh Sam, you didn't have to do all of this for me. But, thank you I love them!"

"Oh good,"I breath,"I was worried you wouldn't like them."

"Of course I would like them! You gave them to me after all."

"Aww,"I say and she looks at me,"sorry I ruined the moment."

"You didn't,"she laugh,"well I mean you kind of did."

"I know I'm sorry,"I mumble.

"Sam, you don't have to be sorry,"she giggles.

"I know, fuck, I just-"

I'm interrupted by her lips crashing onto mine.

We pull away and I freeze not knowing what do you.

"Sorry, I had to shut you up somehow,"she smiles.

"Oh, god I'm so happy you're mine,"I hug her and she giggles.

"I love you,"she whispers which causes my to smile like an idiot.

"I love you too,"I whisper back, kissing the top of her head.
Youngandbold45 Sorry if this sucked ass. I tried my best.

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