Band Part Two(Sam)*Requested*

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This imagine is for Princess_Rosalina688 I hope you enjoy it!

Hannah's POV
Another great day of band practice goes by fast. I meet Sam at his locker like always but he wasn't there so I sit down on the bench against the wall and wait for him.

"Hannah, right?"a black haired now asks me while sitting down next to me a little too close.

"Yup, Logan, right?"I ask as I scoot away from him a little and he slightly frowns but doesn't move closer to me, knowing that I want space.

"Yup,"he chuckles,"you're really good by the way I hear you practicing by yourself a lot,"he compliments with a small smile.

"Thank you,"I giggle. Then, something not so unexpected happens.

"So, umm I was wondering if you're free,"he places his hand over mine while leaning closer.


"Hannah?"Sam voice fills my ears. I look at him with slight fear plastered on my face. He's standing there with his jaw dropped and hurt his his eyes.

"Sam, it's not what you're thinking,"I try to explain as I stand up.

"Wait, are you two like a thing?"the boy asks obviously trying to hold on laughter.

"Yes,"I snap and he erupts into laughter.

"Wow, you could do so much better babe. Preferably me,"he winks at me as he walks off. Sam glares at him with balled fist until I snap him back into reality.

"I don't like him,"he says as he starts to walk towards him but I hold him back.

"Well, neither do I,"I say and he looks at me on disbelief.

"Are you sure about that? It looked like you guys were about to kiss when I saw you,"he says through gritted teeth.

"Sam, I don't like him. I only like you,"I try to explain. Sam had trust issues since all of his girlfriends have cheated on him and he's afraid I'll do the same. But I would never do that.

"Ok,"he sighs,"man, I have horrible trust issues."

"Well, maybe a little,"I giggle,"but I just want you to know that I would never hurt you in a million years."

"Yeah, I know, I just keep thinking you're going to cheat on me like the others,"he says while playing with his fingers.

"But I'm not the others now am I?"I ask and he shakes his head,"I will love you forever, Sam Golbach."

"And I will love you forever, Hannah Broyles,"he smiles then pecks my lips.
Sorry this was kinda short but I hope you still enjoyed it! Vote and comment what you think!

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