Bad Girl(Sam and Colby)*Requested*

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This imagine is for lolitaspills hope you enjoy it! Also, sorry for the cheesy title I couldn't think of anything else lol.

Warning: smut and use of drugs and alcohol

Third person
The group erupts into a fit of laughter except for the brunette, Effy, who rolled her eyes and exited the room. Everyone was telling lame ass jokes and she was not having it. She walked into the kitchen while pulling out a joint as she does. She sat down and pulled out a lighter then lights the joint in her hand. As you can tell she didn't fit in with the rest of the group. She was the only one that drank, smoked, and did drugs. Occasionally, Colby, got high with her but that's it.

"Effy, you'd you leave?"Effy hears Colby's whiny voice fill the room.

"Because, I wanted to,"she bluntly says, putting the joint in between her lips.

"You better share,"Colby says while taking a seat next to her. Effy's eyebrows knit together in confusion.

"Around everyone?"Effy asks with concern. She didn't want people finding out that Colby smoked weed because she didn't want any friendships being ruined because of her. Colby never smoked weed until Effy came along and she felt bad for corrupting him. His friends still think he's the same Colby he's always been and she wants it to stay that way. His friends wouldn't be proud of him. They hate the fact that Effy is the way she is, yet they still accept her.

"Yes, please,"Colby says with puppy dog eyes.

"But what if they see?"Effy asks but Colby rolls his eyes while huffing, snatching the joint from in between Effy's lips. He smirks as he places it in between his lips.

"Give it back, fuckface"Effy demands reaching for it but Colby turns away."Ugh!"

Colby takes the joint out while saying,"you have to wait your turn."

"You're such an asshole,"Effy groans. She grabs the joint back then puts it out. She puts in a container then shoves it in her purse along with the lighter.

"What is your problem?"Colby asks.

"You couldn't gotten caught smoking that! You know your friends would be mad at you,"Effy explains.

"Yeah I know, but it's my choice. I don't care if they catch me. I mean, I know they don't like it very much but it's my life and I can do whatever the hell I want,"Colby says,"why do you even care? I thought you wouldn't mind sharing with me since you do it all the time."

"Yeah, but that not when we're around people, especially your friends,"Effy explains.

"Whatever,"he huffs then leaves the room.

"Whatever,"Effy mimics.

*a few hours later*
There's a knock at Effy's door. She groans as she takes out her earbuds then yells,"come in!"

"Hey, Effy,"Sam says with a big grin on his face.

"Hi, Sam,"Effy sighs. Sam kind of has an obsession with Effy and likes to spend as much time with her as possible, that is when no ones home.

"Everyone's gone,"he says while sitting down at the edge of her bed.

"Oh,"she says.

"Yeah, so we have plenty of time to, ya know,"Sam smirks. Sam's been trying to get into Effy's pants for as long as she can remember but she hasn't let him and honestly, she doesn't really want have sex with him. He's still a virgin and she doesn't feel like she's the right person. Sam doesn't know this and just thinks that she's pushing him away for no reason.

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