Dominance(Sam and Colby)*Requested*

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This imagine is for Kat_Is_Me_Name enjoy!

Warning: Smut, 6 year age gap, ddlg, bdsm, threesome, sex toys


Aria's POV
Living on the streets at the age of 17 wasn't the best. I was kicked out by my parents since they couldn't deal with me anymore. I would throw parties all the time, smoke, do almost every drug known to man, and get suspended all the time at school. They finally had enough of me and decided to throw me out. I've lost all my friends and I no longer go to school.

But that was until I found two lovely guys named Sam and Colby. They've been taking care of me for some time now and it's been great. That treat me like a princess, nothing like how my parent used to treat me. They're so caring and they make me feel like I'm not a piece of worthless shit. They make me feel like I matter.

"Aria, baby!" Colby yells from the living room.

"Yes, daddy?" I ask as I sit down on his lap.

"What do you want to do today, baby girl?" he asks then places a small kiss on my nose causing me to giggle.

"Could we just stay home and watch TV?" I ask as I sit down on the couch next to him.

"If that's what you want to do," he says then kisses the top of my head.


"Yes, baby?"

"Where's Daddy Sam?"

"He went out shopping, he should be home soon."

Right after Colby said that Sam walked in the door.

"Daddy Sam!" I get up and rush over to him then hug him.

"Hi, baby girl," he says as he tries to wrap his arms around me as best as he can with bags in his hands.

"What did you get?" I asked as I point to the bags.

"It's a surprise," he smirks then goes upstairs.

"Daddy Colby, I want to know the surprise," I frown as I stomp my foot on the floor.

"Be patient, princess. You'll find out soon, I promise," Colby assures.

I huff as I go up to my room. I love surprises but absolutely hate waiting. I barely have any patients at all but if I don't wait then I'll make my daddies mad and I can't do that.

"Aria!" I hear Sam yell.

"Am I getting my surprise?" I ask as I run out of my room.

"No, not exactly. We're going out for dinner but," he starts, "Colby and I want you have this inside you the whole time."

My eyes widen as he presents a baby blue vibrator.


"I know what you're about to say but you do deserve a little punishment from that little fit you had earlier today," Sam says as he pushes a sting of my hair to the side.

We've never done anything like this before. I only call them daddy because they want me to but our sex hasn't been as kinky as people might think. I know that they know all the kinks but they never tried them out on me. But tonight that might change. That made me nervous and excited at the same time.

"D- do I have to?" I ask even though the idea was pretty exciting.

"Yes, I'm sorry, baby," Sam says with a frown. "But first Daddy Colby is going to stretch you out."

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