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This imagine was requested by Princess_Rosalina688. I hope you enjoy it!

Sam's POV
"Dude, Sam, look at her,"Colby nudges me in the arm with all of his attention focused on an unknown girl sitting in the drum like area. She has to be new.

"Sam, she definitely looks about your type. You should go talk to her,"Colby tries to talk me into talking to girls all the time but it never works. I'm just too shy and scared that I'll get rejected.

"Colby, you know I can't talk to girls!"I whisper shout, to embarrassed to speak about it any louder.

"Sam, you can do it,"he encourages.

"More like not do it,"I argue back.

"Ugh, you're so annoying sometimes. Just go talk to her. She's not gonna bite your head off,"he jokes.

"I can't,"I sigh while shaking my head.

"Come with me,"Colby demands while standing up and reaching out his hand.

"What, why?"I ask and he huffs.

"Just come with me,"he repeats and I put my hand out so he can grab it. Then, I realized that I made the worst mistake of my life.

Why you ask?

Because, he's leading me straight to the girl that I didn't want to talk to.

"Hi,"Colby says a little too happy while letting go of my hand causing the girl to give both of us a weirded out look."I'm Colby and this is Sam."

"Hi,"she pipes up. Ok, maybe this won't be so bad. As long as my voice does crack or I don't stutter I'll be perfectly fine."I'm Hannah."

"Nice to meet you, Hannah,"Colby says while sneakily poking me. I'm guessing he wants me to talk. Well, he goes nothing.

"Yeah, i- it's nice t- to meet y- you,"I stutter.

Oh fucking hell!

A smile tugs at at the corner of her lips and I feel my heart skip a beat. She's so gorgeous even in these ugly band uniforms.

"So, what instrument do you guys play?"she asks.

"Clarinet,"Colby says.

"Saxophone,"I squeak.

No. No. No!

"Oh nice,"her smile stays plastered on her face. I can't help but notice how her eyes sparkle in such a way I've never seen before from any other girl. God, please let me hit it off with her."Well, it was nice talking to you boys but you better get back to your seats."

"Right uh- right,"I stutter as I notice Ms. Candas glaring at us.

"See bro, it wasn't that bad,"Colby says.

"I stuttered a lot and had a voice crack. You're definition of not that bad must be completely different from mine,"I chuckle as I sit down in my seat.

"Whatever,"he rolls his eyes,"I better get back to my seat before I get into more trouble. See ya later, bro."

"Bye,"I say.
*a few months later*
Hannah's POV
"Ladies and gentlemen I would like to present Hannah Broyles with her salute!

I take a deep breath before I march to the middle of the field and I do my salute(A/N play video)

After, I'm finished the rest of the band marches onto the field and I go to my assigned spot.

*after performance*
"That was great everyone!"Ms. Candas says cheerfully while clapping her hands.

"You did great,"I hear Sam say from behind me."

"Oh thanks, you did too,"I say and I notice a blush creep up on his cheeks. He's so adorable.

"Everyone on the bus, now!"Ms.Candas says.

"Want to sit next to me on the bus?"I ask.

"Well, I was going to sit next to Colby but-

"Oh, that's fine you don't have to,"I say but he shakes his head.

"I want to,"he says.

"Ok,"I smile.

Once, we're all stuffed onto the bus Sam and I start talking about the most random things.

"I have a question for you,"I say.

"Shoot,"he says.

"Have you ever been kissed?"

His cheeks go red pretty much immediately and he looks down at his lap. I lift up his chin with my fingers so that he faces me.

"Hey, why don't you have your first kiss be a victory one. You know for doing so well during the performance,"I suggest but he doesn't respond. All he does is let his eyes flicker from my eyes to my lips then back to my eyes. So, I decide to lean forward and peck his lips. I leaned back and giggle at his face of shock.

"I uh- I... wow,"he stutters with his face redder than a tomato.

"Sam, will you go out with me?"I ask.

He gulps before saying,"yes."
Ok well I hope that wasn't too awful. I really tried my best I hope you liked it Hannah! Please vote and comment what you think.

I really didn't know how to write all the band stuff as you could tell lol.

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