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This was requested by silly_cierra18 Hope you enjoy it!

Warning: Smut and public sex

Cierra's POV
Colby and I have been teasing each other back and forth since we got to the beach. I made sure that I wore my black with white polka dots on it that showed a little bit my ass and breasts. Every time I would bend over I would make sure to wiggle my bum a little earning a small groan from him.

But whenever I was standing by the lake he would sneak up behind me and grab my breasts. We are in a pretty uncrowded area so not a lot of people could see us but there is still a chance.

Colby starts to lose it when I'm sitting in his lap and I starting lightly grinding down on him.

"You better stop,"he growls in my ear while gripping my hips.

"I would rather not,"I smirk as I look at him behind my shoulder and grind down on him harder. He whimpers then pushes me off of his lap.

"Hey,"I pout while crossing my arms.

"That's what you get,"he snaps as he gets up.

"Where are you going?" I ask.

"I'm going to swim some more,"he says,"you coming?"

"No, I think I'm just going to relax here."

"Okay,"he shrugs then goes over to the water.

I lay back on my towel and close my eyes.

I end up falling asleep but I'm woken up by a pleasuring sensation between my legs. I look down and immediately moan as I see Colby's head between my legs.

"Colby,"I moan as his lips wrap around my clit,"t- there's people around."

"Then, let's go somewhere more private,"he smirks as he pulls my bottoms back up my legs then picks me up then grabs a towel.

We don't move very far since we have to watch our things but no one will be able to notice us.

Colby lays out the towel then gently lays me on it.

"I love you,"he says before he presses his lips to mine.

"I love you too,"I mumble against his soft, plump lips.

His tongue swipes my bottom lip, asking for entrance and I open my mouth. Our tongues soon fight for dominance his always winning and the kiss gets rougher.

His hand slides down my body causing me to shiver and one of his fingers press against my clit. He starts to massage it while I throw my head back and moan. He covers my mouth with his free hand to hush my moans so we don't get caught.

"C-Colby,"my whimper his muffled in his hand as he slides a finger into me.

"Gotta be quiet,"he whispers my ear,"can't get caught now, can we?"

I shake my head. My eyes close tightly as I let out another moan when he adds two more fingers. My stomach knots as I feel my high approaching and I clench around him.

"Gonna come soon?"he asks. I nod frantically as he speeds up the pace.

"Fuck!"I moan as I cum around his fingers. I watch with blown- wide eyes as he puts his fingers in his mouth to taste me.

"Mm,"he moans in delight,"taste so good."

"Colby,"I whine.

"Yeah, baby girl?"he rasps.

"Please fuck me already,"I beg as he chuckles and places a kiss to my forehead.

"Okay, baby,"he says. He takes off his swim shorts and his erection slaps against his stomach. He pumps it a few times before lining up with my entrance.

"Shit,"I hiss from the stretch.

"Tell me when I can move, okay?"he asks and I nod.

"Move,"I pant. I moan as he starts thrusting into me. My nails dig into his back and he winces from the pain."S- sorry."

"It's okay,"he pants as he thrusts faster.

"Fucking hell,"I breath,"close."

"Yeah, baby girl, you gonna come soon?"he says lowly.

"Yes,"I whimper. I gasp when his thumb meets my clit and starts rubbing it in small figure eights."Please."

"Let go baby girl,"he pants.

I moan out as name as I release onto him, him cumming soon after with a cry of my name. He clumsily gets up to put in his shorts and I get up with wobbly legs.

He helps me put in my bathing suit and picks me up bridal style as we walk back over to our spot.

We spend then rest of the day swimming and laying on the beach.

When we get home we cuddle and talk about random things with a random mix of 'I love you's in the conversations.

We soon fall asleep with me in his arms and a grin on his face.
Hey Cierra I hope you liked this(shitty)imagine I tired my best. Seriously.

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