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This imagine was requested by XItsJustSarahX hope you like it!

Warning: TeacherxStudent smut

Sarah's POV
"Miss. Williams, are you paying attention?" Mr. Golbach asks, slamming a book down onto my desk, disrupting me from my thoughts.

"Yes, Sir, I was," I lie, picking up my pencil and look at the board to be ready to write down anything I missed.

"Then, what did I just say?" he asks crossing his arms, a stern look swiping across his face.

"You asked me if I was paying attention," I say with say with a smirk and the class erupts into laughter. His jaw clenches out of annoyance. I mentally high-five myself for the achievement. You see, I'm not the best student or person in general. I'm the rebel of the school and love messing with all my teachers. But especially, Mr. Golbach. Why, you ask? Because he's the youngest and best-looking teacher at school. He seriously has no right to look as he does every day and I can't have him because as you, he's my teacher. So in order for me to not go completely insane in his class, I bug the shit out of him until he kicks me out of class.

"That's it! You're going to spend after school with me in detention!" he yells and the class goes silent. Detention? He's never given me detention before. He just kicks me out of class. Why can't he just do that?

"Aren't you going to kick me out of class?" I ask and he shakes his head.

"Nope, because you seem to like being kicked out so I'm keeping you in here so you can suffer," he smirks evilly.

"Sir, I don't think you can talk to her like that," Colby, a kid who sits behind me, says.

"Well Mr. Brock, I just did. You better keep your mouth shut before I give you a detention too," Mr. Golbach sneers. I practically hear Colby close his mouth shut.

"Good. Now, let's continue the class without any more disruptions," he says while glaring at me. I roll my eyes and slouch back in my seat as I listen to the boring lesson.

*After school*
I grab my backpack before heading to Mr. Golbach's classroom. I really ticked him off this time and even though I loved it, I also feel really bad. God only knows what he going to make me do. I enter his classroom where he's working on his computer and I sit down at a desk slightly in front of his.

"So," he starts, making me jump. He gets up from his seat and strides over to me. My heart races and I gulp as he stands in front of me. He places his hands on my desk. "You think it's funny to disturb my class every day? To get me so frustrated with you that I have to kick you out of class so you don't have to spend a whole hour with me?"

"How did you—"

"I'm not stupid, Sarah," he cuts me off. "I know your little games. You wear these low cut shirts and skirts that seem to get shorter every day. But they aren't for anyone else but me. Am I correct?"

My breath gets caught in my throat and I can't form any words. All I do is stare into his angry eyes. All of the sudden his hand comes in contact with my cheek.

"Answer me, slut!" he growls.

"Yes, I do it for you. S' all for you," I breathe out.

A grin spreads across his face, "get up and bend over my desk."

"W- what?" I gasp, shocked at his demand.

"I said," he says through gritted teeth, "go bend over my desk."

I nod and obey his command. My heart starts to race even more than before.

"A thong? Naughty girl," he says lowly. His hand cups my dripping core and a long moan escapes my lips.

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