Missed You(Colby)*Requested*

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This imagine was requested by EmilyPost1 Enjoy!

Warning: Smut

Emily's POV
Colby and Sam have been on tour for months and I miss him so much. We have been texting, calling, and FaceTiming but that's not enough.

"I'm home!"I hear Colby shout and I jump into his arms."Woah, there."

"I missed you,"I say as I crash my lips onto his.

"I missed you too,"he mumbles against my lips as he carries me to our shared bedroom. He lays me down on the bed as the kiss deepens. Normally, we would talk about how his tour went but we both obviously missed each other too much."If you don't want to do this we don't have to."

I knew exactly what he meant by 'this' so I nodded my head. A shiver runs down my spine as he runs his hands under my shirt to grope my breasts and I let out a moan.

"I really don't have time for foreplay, I need you now baby girl,"Colby growls as he takes off his shirt in one swift motion and unbuckles his belt. He groans as I rub his bulge and he bucks his hips into my hand."Fuck, I need you now."

"Then, get on with it,"I smirk and that's what he does. He practically rips off my shirt then takes off my pants, throwing the articles of clothing into one random pile. He quickly rubs my throbbing core before take off my panties as well. His pants and boxers soon going a random spot on the floor.

I grab his erect member causing him to let out a shaky breath.

"I said no foreplay,"he growls as he grabs my hand.

"But I want foreplay,"I pout before flipping us so that I'm in top. I grab his cock and start pumping it. Colby's whimpers, moans, and pants fill the room making my need for him inside me grow stronger. But I ignore the aching and press a kiss to the top of Colby's tip.

"Shit,"he whimpers as I take more of him in my mouth. But suddenly, one of his hands comes to my hair to yank it back so that my mouth detaches from him."I said no. Fucking. Foreplay."

"What're you gonna do about it, daddy,"I say playfully, but smirk devilishly.

"I'm going to punish you, princess,"he whispers lowly in my ear and I feel my breath hitch."Get on all fours!"

I quickly scatter to my hands and knees as I feel my heart almost jump out of my chest. Colby's never been this rough before so I honestly don't know what to expect.

"You better count,"Colby's says as his hands soothingly rub my ass. I know exactly what he's talking about but I didn't expect him to actually spank me until I felt a harsh slap be sent to my ass.

"Fuck,"I cry out as he slaps me again. It hearts like a bitch and I know that there's going to me a hand print and redness all over.

"Five more,"he warns with another slap.

The pain starts to fade and it's replaced with pleasure.

"You're not supposed to be enjoying this,"he growls.

"S- sorry,"I whimper.

"It's okay, I'll just make sure I'll fuck you extra hard. But first I want you to beg,"he demands as he spanks me again.

"Please fuck me, Colby, I need you, please,"I beg.

"Well, since you asked so nicely,"I gasp as Colby slams into me. But he immediately pulls out."You're still on the pill, right?"

I nod and moan as he enters me again. God, I missed him filling me up so much.

"Feel s'good,"he groans as he roughly thrusts into me."God."

"C- Colby,"I moan as I feel a sharp pain on my ass.

"Missed you so much, fuck, you feel amazing,"he praises.

"M'close,"I pant as I roll my hips back to meet his thrusts.

"M- me to,"he chokes out as he grips my hips,"on the count of three, alright, baby girl?"

I nod in response.




I nearly scream I come around him, soon feeling his liquids fill me. I lay down on my back and Colby falls down next to me.

He wraps his arms around me and kisses the top of my head.

"I missed you so much, Emily,he says still trying to catch his breath.

"I missed you too,"I yawn.

"Tired?"he asks.

"Yeah,"I nod.

"Then, go to sleep. I'll be here with you,"he says.

I smile at his words and close my eyes, soon drifting off to sleep.
Hey Emily I hope you enjoyed this! Vote and comment what you think!

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