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This imagine is for smutlayla enjoy!

Warning: Smut

Arely's POV
Today I was kicked out of class, sent to the office and received a slip for a weeks suspension that I have to show my parents... which I'm not going to. It's not like they would care anyways. I hate school in the first place so now I have an excuse not to go. I've had plenty suspenses as well but my parents continue to force me to go. If I was then I would've given up awhile ago.

"Mom! Dad! I'm home from school!"I shout even though I know that they're at work which is the beauty of coming home early since I get the house to myself.

My parents would've freaked out if they knew I was home this early and they work until six so they'll never know.

My phone vibrates in my pocket and I take it out to read the text.

Mac: Hey girl meet us at the bridge and bring your stuff

Me: Okay see you soon

I place my phone on the table then head upstairs to change. I grab my black duffle bag on the way out of my room.

Before I leave the house I check to make sure I have everything and make my appearance look a little less suspicious then grab my phone.

I walk down the street, ignoring all the weird looks people are giving me.

Once I'm finally there, I see Mac, Beth, and Hannah already contemplating a plan. I join in on the conversation and then we head out to where we need to go.

As we walk it's getting darker which is good because then the cops won't see us.

"Okay Arely you take this spot,"Beth says. I nod as I put my bag down and unzip it. I pull out a blue spray can and start what most people would say "vandalizing" the abandoned looking wall. It shouldn't even matter since this place no longer has a use. We're making it look better.

"Freeze!"I hear a deep voice say. Oh shit.

I stand there frozen with the can still in my hand but I don't move or turn around. I hear feet shuffling which tells me that the girls heard him too and are trying to escape. But I see two other cops go after them.

How did they get here?

My confused thoughts are interrupted by the officers rough voice.

"Drop the can and turn around,"the police officer says. I do as I'm told considering there's no use in trying to run.

Holy shit. He's hot.

I bite my lip as I scan his whole body but his voice cuts me off from my thoughts. I don't listen to anything he says as he pulls out a pair of handcuffs.

Before I know it I'm handcuffed in a cop car.

Wait. Why am I not trying to escape? I can't let myself just go to jail. But what am I supposed to do now?

"Umm, officer,"I pipe up.

"What?"he asks.

"Is there anything I can do to change your mind about arresting me?"I ask with some hope on my voice.

"Nope, you vandalized public property. It's against the law, you know,"he says. I groan as I roll my eyes.

"I know it is,"I say annoyed,"but is there something we can figure out."

"No, the law is the law,"he shakes his head.

I start begging to the point where he gets annoyed and he harshly stomps on the breaks. He unbuckles his seat belt then faces me.

"You know you're not going to this any better if you keep bugging me like this,"he growls,"what the hell will make you shut up until we get to the station?"

"First of all we're not going to the station and second of all the only that will make me shut up is if you kiss me,"I smirk which leaves him speechless with an expression of awe on his face.

"I- I can't. I could get fired,"he stutters.

"No one has to know,"I say seductively as I bite my lip.

"I- I don't know."

"Please,"I pout,"I promise to never break the law again if you fuck me."

Without saying a word he climbs into the back seat and frantically uncuffs the handcuffs.

I immediately wrap my arms around his neck and press my lips to his. The kiss gets heated quickly. His tongue makes it's way into my mouth as both of our tongues fight for dominance.

"By the way my names Colby,"he says as his lips move to my neck.

"Arely,"I breath out.

His lips suck on my sweet spot causing me to let out a small moan. His fingers play with the hem of my sweatshirt until he finally pulls it off along with the shirt I was wearing under it. His eyes immediately go to my breasts.

"Holy fuck,"he gushes as he squeezes both of my clothed breasts.

"Colby, just get on with it,"I whine which causing him to chuckles as he unclasps my bra.

I whimper as he pinches both of my nipples.

"Colby, please just fuck me already,"I plead. He nods as he takes of his uniform.

He slowly pulls down my leggings which makes me even more annoyed but I don't say anything. Once they're off he presses a kiss to my clit through my panties.

"Colby,"I groan in annoyance.

"It's not fun if I can't tease you, baby girl,"he says and my breath hitches as he presses two fingers to my core.

A sigh of relief leaves me as he finally pulls down my panties.

"F- fuck,"I whimper as he licks up my slit. He sucks on my clit as his finger enters me. "Shit Colby."

He doesn't say anything as adds two more fingers. I'm a moan mess as his fingers pump in and out of me.

I let out a whine as he takes his fingers out of me. He rolls his eyes as he takes off his boxers. My eyes widen at the size of him.

"Shit, I don't have a condom. Are you on the pill by any chance?"he asks and I nod. "Good."

We both moan as he enters me. He buries his face in my neck and I can feel his short breaths against it.

"So, so tight,"he groans. His fingers dig into my waist as he sucks on neck. I moan and my nails dig into his back as he hits a certain spot.

"C- Colby I'm s'close,"I cry out my back arches off the seat.

"Mm hold it,"he pants as he thrusts into me harder.

"I- I can't,"I barely get out. I bite down on his shoulder to contain my moans and he moans.

"Okay, baby, let go,"he whispers. I moan his name one last time until I cum around him.

He pounds into me until he gets to the edge and he cries out my name,"Arely."

We both get to our highs and he pulls outs. We both catch our breath before putting on our clothes.

"That was the best sex I've had in awhile,"Colby says and I giggle,"but you do know I still have to take you to the station, right?"

"I was hoping not but since I know you'll make sure I don't end up in jail them I'm alright with it."

"I surely wouldn't put you in jail. How am I supposed to see you, you know not behind bars,"he jokes.

"You- you want to see me again?"I ask and he nods.

"I- I was hoping maybe I could take you out on a date. But that's only if you promise to not do this again."

"I promise,"I smile.

Hey Arely I hope you enjoyed this sorry if it sucked my writing hasn't been the best and I know this took my like a thousand years to write I've been busy.

But anyways please vote and comment what you think!

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