Morning Sex(Colby)*Requested*

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Hey Zachdeanherronbby I hope you enjoy this imagine!

Warning: Smut and cringe lots of cringe

Dara's POV
I turn over and open my eyes to see my boyfriend, Colby, laying right beside me. I smile as he starts playing with my hair, something I will always enjoy. He smiles back before pecking my lips and whispers a "good morning" in his raspy morning voice.

"Morning," I say as I cuddle into him.

"Hey, don't you fall asleep on me now," he chuckles as he lifts up my chin to give me a kiss longer than the last one.

After a while, he doesn't stop kissing me so I finally kiss him back. The kiss gets heated quickly and soon enough I'm straddling him.

"You know," he says in between breaths, "I had a dream about you last night."

"Oh yeah?" I ask teasingly as I grind down on him causing a loud moan to erupt from the back of his throat.

"F- Fuck, yeah," he throws his head back into the pillows. I grind down harder, "fuck, Dara."

"Can you tell me what happened in this dream?" I ask with a devilish smirk on my face.

"You- you rode me," he says breathless.

"Hmm, well that dream seems like it's easy enough to come true," I hum, "but we both seem overdressed for this, don't we?"

He doesn't say anything so I choose to take off his shirt first. I throw somewhere in the before he tugs on my shirt signaling that he wants it off. I pull my shirt off then throw it in the floor as well. A shiver run down my spine as Colby runs his hands up my back to my bra strap. I ended up sleeping with a bra on last night which is something I don't normally do. Once my bra is off, Colby grasps both of my breasts in hands causing me to gasp. His thumbs run over my nipples and a shaky breath leaves me.

"You're so beautiful, Dara," Colby whispers before leaning up to kiss my neck. I moan as he starts sucking on my sweet spot.

"C- Colby, I ne- need you," I say in between breaths.

"Then, take me," he whispers in my ear. As soon as he stopped talking I quickly pulled down his sweatpants and his boxers. A sigh of relief leaves him as his erection springs free. I start to slowing pump him but he grabs my wrist. "No time. I need you now."

I nod as I take off my pajama shorts and panties. I whimper as Colby's pointed finger starts rubbing my clit.

"Shit," I pant as I buck my hips into his hand. I jolt at the feeling of two of his fingers entering me. I grind down on them and he adds another finger. "C- Colby. I- fuck- need you now!"

I whimper at the loss of contact as he slides his fingers out of me. I pump him a few times before positioning myself over him. Throaty moans leave us both as I slide down onto him.

"S- so tight," Colby whispers. I stay still for a moment to take in everything that was happening before I start to slowing rock my hips. Colby hands immediately get a harsh grip on my hips causing me to wince. "Feels so good."

"Colby," I breath out as I set my hands on his chest before I circle my hips.

"Oh god," Colby cries out as he throws his head back.

"Uh..." I moan as I start bouncing. Colby's nails dig into my hips as I go faster but I ignore it. "I'm so close."

"M- me too," he groans. I bounce even faster which causes me to get closer to the edge.

"I'm gonna cum," I moan.

"Let go," Colby encourages in a husky whisper which sends me over.

Colby finishes soon after me and we both ride out our highs. I plop down next to him as we both try to catch our breaths.

"That was amazing," Colby pants.

"Yeah, it was," I agree.

"Time for a nap," Colby says as he wraps an arm around me. I giggle as I kiss his nose as he slowly falls asleep and I fall asleep right after.

Okay hi wow that was shitty but I hope you enjoyed it at least a little bit Zachdeanherronbby

So yeah... vote and comment what you think I guess.

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