Midnight Game(Sam)*Requested*

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This imagine is for Abdur0
Hope you like it!

Dakota's POV
Sam has been playing this game called The Midnight Game for weeks now and every time he plays he has me play along. I honestly hate the game but I can't say no to him so I'm basically forced to play.

Tonight's different though. I've been having a gut feeling throughout this whole game tonight but I don't know why.

Sam and I are playing alone tonight which makes me feel a bit more scared than normal, which is saying a lot. Sam has been staying close to me which helps a little but not enough.

We both jump as we hear a noise from upstairs.

"Don't look back,"Sam reminds me. Look at him in worry."It's okay."

"Sam, in really scared,"I whimper in fear as I cling onto his arm.

"It's alright, I promise,"he whispers then kisses the top of my head. Another 'bang' comes from upstairs again.

"Sam, I don't like this,"I say.

"It's almost three,"he says.

"No, I'm too scared, Sam,"I whine.

He ignores me as we walk up the stairs to his room. Things were scattered around the room and his mirror was slightly cracked.

"Sam, please, can we end this now?"I beg but he ignores me."Sam!"

"Baby, it's okay, but let's get out of here and continue moving until the game ends,"he says calmingly.

"Okay, but how much longer?"I ask with a shaky voice because of how scared I am.

"About ten more minutes,"he informs me.

"No, Sam that's too long. You need to end it now,"I urge him.

"No, Dakota, it's okay. I'm here,"he soothes.

"I know but I'm too scared."

"It's almost over."

"I know."

We walk around the house some more and my heart feels like it's about to pop out of my chest. Noises have been sounding around the house and I don't know how much more I can handle. I know that the game is almost over but it's too much.

As I'm walking around the house I end up losing Sam along the way somehow.

"Sam,"I whisper shout.

I'm almost to tears now. I have no idea where Sam is and I'm terrified.

"Sam, please I'm not in the mood,"I whine. I bet he's playing a prank on me."Sam!"

"Boo,"he whispers into my ear and I still manage to jump even though I knew he was going to do that.

"Why would you do that?"I groan as I smack his chest playfully and he shrugs."Can we end the game now?"

"Yeah let's go"he says as he leads the way.

We do the 'procedure' to end the game and both of us sigh in relief.

"I'm so happy that's over,"I say as I sit on his bed.

"Does that game really scare you that much?"he asks and I nod my head,"aww baby I'm sorry, I won't have you play anymore."

I smile as he hugs me to comfort me.

"I'm sorry for making you constantly play that game,"he apologizes.

"It's okay,"I say.

"Lets just cuddle now,"he suggests.

"Okay,"I giggle.

"Why are you laughing?"he asks.

"Because you're just such a goofball."


"You are! Now, lets cuddle."
Hey Dakota I hope you enjoyed this! I tried my best honestly and it probably sucks but whatever lol.

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