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This was requested by XItsJustSarahX hope you enjoy it!

Warning: Smut
Sarah's POV
"Oh my god, Colby, you're so funny," I fake laugh while playfully hit his arm with the back of my hand.

"I know I am," he winks at me. This is how our friendship is. We playfully flirt with each other because we both think it's funny as hell. That's basically my relationship with all the other boys in the house except for Sam, since he's my actual boyfriend. Sam hates me hanging around the boys because he thinks they all like me even though they have girlfriends except for Colby.

"Oh my god," Jake says as he walks in, "that shirt looks smokin' on you."

"Thank you," I giggle. I can feel Sam's eyes burning to me and I mentally roll my eyes at the fact that we're all the friends because he can't accept that. Like seriously, Jake was just complimenting me. It's no big deal really.

"It really does," Colby smile, "if you weren't with Sam—"

"Okay, that's it!" Sam yells, getting up from his seat. He walks over to me and grabs to arm to pull me off of the couch.

"Sam, what are you doing?" I ask as he pulls me up the stairs to his room.

"Teaching those dickheads who you belong to," he says, slamming the door shut. "Be as loud as you want. Make them jealous that I'm with you, especially Colby."

"Sam," I whisper as he attaches his lips to my neck. He ignores me and pulls my shirt over my head.

"These are fucking mine," he growls, squeezing my clothed breasts. My fingers run through his blonde locks as he kisses and marks the valley of my breast. His hands reach around me to unclasp my bra and he lets it fall to the floor. I whimper as he wraps his lips around one of my nipples. My knees go weak as his tongue shoots out.

"Already getting wrecked from my touch. I bet no one else could make you feel this way," he mutters darkly as he sucks a certain spot behind my ear that drives me wild.

"Please," I whimper.

"Please, what?" he asks teasingly.

"Get on with it," I whine and a grin swipes across his face. He takes off his shirt before carrying me to his bed. He practically throws me on it then hovers over me. I suck in a breath as he starts to grind down on me. Since he's wearing joggers and I'm wearing leggings, I can feel all of him.

"Uh," I moan out. His lips trail down my stomach to my leggings. He pulls both my leggings and panties at a teasing pace. I groan for him to hurry up and he chuckles.

"So impatient," he kissed up my thighs, making sure to leave marks along the way. His tongue runs up my slit. My hands go to his hair and my hips buck up. He moans before he starts to devour me. I try to keep my legs from moving but I fail and he pins them down to the bed. He starts sucking on my clit causing my back to arch off the bed as I release a loud moan of his name. Everyone who's downstairs can definitely hear me.

Suddenly, he plugs two fingers into me. I bite my lip to contain the noises that are about to release from my mouth but Sam delivers a harsh smack to my ass.

"I don't want you to hold anything back. I want them to hear you," he says. He reattaches his lips to my clit while adding another finger and I can feel my high approaching.

"I'm close," I warn. He speeds up the pace and right before I'm about to cum he takes his fingers not. I pout at him but he just smirks with shaking his head.

"So needy," he teases. He takes off his joggers and boxers, his red leaking length slapping up against his stomach. My mouth waters at the sight. I run my hand up his cock and he hisses once my thumb swipes across the tip. His flips us over his that he's on the bottom. I kiss down his chest to his member and wrap on hand around it. I start pumping it at a slow pace which frustrates Sam.

"Don't fucking tease me," he growls. I smirk at him before taking him in my mouth. His hands weave through my hair as I inch down on him.

"Shit, Baby, just like that," he groans. I gag once he hits the back of my throat and start to suck as hard as I can.

"Oh my god, Sarah," he moans looking down at me. I bob my head and watch as his head tilts back, eyes squeezing shut, lip in between his teeth. I moan around him which causes his hips to buck and I gag again.

"Stop, stop," he says pushes as my shoulders. "M' close. I want to cum inside you."

I take him out of my mouth and straddle him.

"You're still on the pill right?" he asks running his hands up my breasts and squeezes them. I nod.

"Good," he says as he enters me immediately.

"Fuck," I scream. My hands rest on his shoulders and his hands rest on my hips as I start to rotate my hips.

"So fucking beautiful," he groans, his fingers digging into me. His hips buck up to meet with every rotation of my hips so we're in sync. He notices that I'm getting tired so he flips up back over and he starts pounding into me.

"Sam," I moan. "I'm so close."

"Me too, Babe," he says as he presses his lips to mine. I open my mouth to allow his tongue to enter. I moan into his mouth as he hits my g-spot and feel so close to the edge.

"I'm gonna cum," I whimper, my head thrown back.

"Let go," he encourages, his thumb rubbing my clit. I release around him and a few minutes later he cums inside me. We ride out our highs before he pulls out of me. He falls down next to me, us both trying to catch our breaths.

"Fuck, that was good," he pants.

"Mm," I agree. He rolls to his side and pulls me close to him.

"I love you," he whispers, connecting our lips.

"Love you too," I say against his lips.

Hey, Sarah, I hope you enjoyed this! Please vote and comment what you think!

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