Everything Will be Okay(Colby)*Requested*

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Requested by dancerbella716

Colby's POV
As I walked into Bella and my shared apartment I heard sobs and whimpers come from our room.

"Bella?"I knock on the door before I enter. She's sitting on the bed, crying her eyes out, while her face is buried in her hands.

"Baby girl, what's wrong?"I ask while sitting next to her and run her back.

"M- my best friend, (y/f/n),"she whimpers out,"she g- got into a car c- crash."

"Oh my God. Is she ok?"I ask with a worried look on my face and she shakes her head.

"S- she died,"she sobs.

"I'm so sorry,"I hug her. She buries her face into my neck as she continues to cry.

"I- It's ok it's not your f- fault. I just d- don't know what I- I'm going to d- do without her since s- she's my best friend."

"Hey, listen,"I say pulling her back to put my hands on her shoulders. She wipes away some tears as she looks into my eyes."You're going to be ok. I promise. You have me to help you through this."

Bella's POV
I listen to Colby as he tells me over and over again that I'm going to be ok. I just don't know if I will be. I mean I just lost my best friend and he expects me to get over it just like that. That's just not possible.

But, the thing is is whenever I look into his eyes I forget the problem I ever but then when I'm not I go back to crying. It's like his eyes are my safe place and him obviously. If he wasn't here right now I would be a total wreck.

"Bella?"Colby questions.

"Are you feeling any better?"he asks with a look of concern on his face.

"I- I don't know,"I breath out,"I don't know how long it'll take me to get over this. Just promise me you won't leave until I do."

"I promise,"he smiles which causes my heart to flutter.

"Thank you,"I whisper and he whispers 'you're welcome' back.

"Do you want anything?"he pats my back.

"Could we just cuddle?"

"Sure, anything for my princess,"he says then kisses the top of my head. We both get under the covers and he wraps his arms around my waist while he pulls me closer to him. One of his hands go to my hair and he starts playing with it.

"You're so beautiful,"he whispers then pecks my lips. I smile then bury my face into his chest."How are you feeling?"

"Better,"I whisper.

"That's good. I don't like seeing my princess unhappy,"he says which makes me smile.

He's seriously the only thing that makes me happy and that's never going change.
Hey dancerbella716  was this ok? I seriously had no idea how to end it so I hope it was good enough.

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