More Than This(Colby)*Requested*

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Warning: Contains smut

This imagine was requested by jenniruth1234567890

Jennifer's POV
"Hey, cutie,"my best friend Colby playfully says while wrapping his arms around my waist as I get my things together for my next class.

"Hello,"I giggle as he rests his head on my shoulder."Don't get too comfy we both have to get to class."

"Ugh do we have to?"he pouts.

"Yes, yes, we do,"I say and get out of his group causing him to whine like a five year old.

"Oh, quit being so childish,"I roll my eyes and he shakes his head.

"I think we should skip today,"he suggests while wiggling his eyebrows.

"I think we... shouldn't,"I say as I start to walk to my class.

"Please,"he begs.




"I'll buy you ice cream."

"Fine,"I sigh, giving in. What can I say? I can't resist ice cream.

"Yay,"he squeals like a girl and grabs my face in his hands then kisses all over it.

"Eww,"I say while pushing him away then wiping my face with my hands.

"You love me,"he says.


"Whatever,"he huffs while rolling his eyes causing me to giggle."We better go now before the hallway gets less crowded. We don't want anyone to spot us."

"Yes, I know you doofus,"I say whole playfully smacking his arm.

Suddenly, he grabs my hand and tugs me through the other students who are trying to get to class.

"Wait, can I tell Sam that I'm leaving. I don't want him to worry about me,"I say which causes him to stop in his tracks and I notice Colby's emotion changes. That seems to happen every time I mention Sam, who's my boyfriend. Whenever he's happy he gets all sad and I don't understand why.

"N- no we don't have time,"he states and then continues to tug me through the hallway.

"O- ok,"I mumble.

Sam's a very overprotective boyfriend. So, when he finds out I left school with Colby without telling him Colby's going to be in big trouble. But Colby knows how Sam is so I don't know why he just wouldn't let me.

Once, we get into Colby's car he immediately drives off. I didn't even see him start it. He's going fast. A little too fast.

"Colby, slow down,"I says but he ignores me and continues to drive the same speed."Fine, whatever."

"Sorry, I just had to make sure that we weren't going to be seen,"he explains.

"Well, I can guarantee that no one saw us,"I say as he slows down."So, I know this new ice cream shop we can go to. Sam took me there on a date the other day-"

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