Forgive Me(Colby)*Requested*

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This was requested by carysbrock  hope you enjoy!

Carys's POV
"What do you mean you want to break up?" I yell once my boyfriend, Colby, tells me the bad news out of nowhere.

"I mean what I said. I just can't be with you anymore. I'm so sorry, I hope you can forgive me someday," he says while playing with his fingers; something that he does when he's nervous.

"Forgive you? You think that I'll ever forgive you? You can't even give me a valid reason why you're breaking up with me!" I yell even louder, throwing my hands up in the air frantically. I can't believe that we're breaking up! It doesn't make any sense. We haven't had any problems with each other in a long time. I honestly thought we would never break up. But never say never.

"Sorry, I have to go. I'll see you in class tomorrow," he says while grabbing his jacket then leaves my apartment. I sit there on the couch not knowing what to do. I'm astonished at the fact that that just happened. Colby was my first boyfriend. We've been together since sophomore year of high school and now we're Juniors in college. We even talked about plans for our future together. There were never any signs that he didn't love me any more or was going to break up with me.

My eyes start to fill with tears as I think about all the memories we had together. I don't know how I'm going to ever get over him. He was the only one for me and I don't think I could ever love anyone as much as I did him.

I decide to get ready for bed even though it's only 8:00 pm.

I get into bed and quickly check my phone. I read a message from Colby which makes me even more angry with him.

My love: I'm so sorry, Carys. I hope you'll change your mind about forgiving me. I love you

I feel like throwing my phone across the room. The words 'I love you' swirl around my mind as I try to sleep. If he loved me, why would he break up me with?

*The next day*
I walk into class and prepare myself for the worst. Colby tries to talk to me while I go sit down but I ignore him. I almost audibly groan in annoyance as he takes a seat next to me and smiles.

"Okay everyone, take your seats," the professor mumbles as he writes down the lesson on the board.

*After class*
I pack up my things before leaving the room where I see Colby and a girl chatting in the hall. I let out a sigh as I make my way toward the doors. Colby yells my name from down the hall but doesn't make an effort to come up to me.

When I get home I plop my bag next to the door and grab some food out of the fridge. As I search for channels to watch, there's a knock on my door.

"Colby, I swear to fu— oh hey, Sarah."

"Hey, Carys," she says as she walks in.

"Not to be rude but what are you doing here?" I ask as I close the door behind me.

"I heard what happened with you and Colby," she starts, "so, I came here to help you get over him."

"How did you—"

"Carys, I'm your best friend. You think I wouldn't know something like this?" she says in a "duh" tone of voice. I just shrug.

"How do you suppose I'll be able to get over him exactly?" I ask while crossing my arms.

"We go to a club, obviously," she says with enthusiasm.

"A club? Nu uh," I shake my head, "there's no way I'm going to a club."

"Why not," she whines, "Come on, Carys, we haven't had a proper girl's night in a while. Plus, you deserve it."

"Fine, I'll go but only because I have nothing better to do."

"Yay," she squeals while clapping her hands, "be ready by 10:00 I'll pick you up in front of the building."

"Alright," I nod my head. We both days our goodbyes before she leaves and I go shower. I hope this helps.

I pull my dress down a little by the hem before leaving the apartment. I haven't dressed up like this in a while and I forgot how much fun it is. My heels click loudly even though there's carpet and I pray to god I won't get in trouble from cranky sleeping neighbors.

I instantly find Sarah's care and hop it.

"You look so fucking hot," she compliments and I giggle out a "thank you".

"You do too by the way," I reply with a smile.

"Woah back off there, Carys, I have already have a girlfriend," she jokes.

"You're my best friend, I would never think of you like that," I laugh, "plus, you and Chloe are too cute a couple to break up."

"True," she laughs along.

The rest of the car ride was us just talking about nonsense and jamming out to music.

"Fuck, I'm kind of nervous," I say as I step out of the car.

"Don't be. You look amazing, let's just go in there and have fun. Also, if I don't see you dancing your ass off you'll pay."

"Oh jeez, okay," I laugh.

Once we finally get in, the smell of alcohol and sweaty bodies fills my senses.

"Come on," Sarah says as she grabs my hand. Once our feet hit the dance floor we start dancing like a bunch of idiots but I don't care. My mind was off of Colby and I was having fun. That's all I needed. 

"I'm gonna go get a drink!" I yell over the music. Sarah nods and smiles in response.

"Well, don't you look magnificent tonight," the familiar voice compliments me.

"Colby, what the hell are you doing here?" I huff.

"I'm here with a couple of friends. I'm allowed to have fun too, you know," he says and I can tell he's lying.

"No. Tell me why you're really here," I say sternly.

"Okay, the truth is is that I saw you walking in here and so I followed you in so I could finally get a chance to talk to you," he explains.

"That chance is still not here. Sorry Colby, but I'm over you," I say.

"Please, Carys, just hear me out," he begs. I roll my eyes and know that if I don't allow him to speak now, he'll just continue to bother me even more.

"Fine but be quick," I say.

"Carys, I'm really sorry for breaking up with you. I- it wasn't even my decision. My parents convinced me to and I shouldn't have listened. They wanted me to try to date someone else for a while since apparently, I don't have enough experience to know 'my type'. But I know that's not true. It never was. You're the only girl for me and you're exactly my type. I wish I never broke up with you. I still love you and want to have an amazing future with you. Will you please take me back?" I couldn't believe the words that left Colby's mouth. He still loves me and never even wanted to break up with me. But would it be wrong to get back with him just like that?

"Are you sure that you still want to be with me? I don't even know if you're drunk right now and don't even know what you're saying."

"Carys, you know how I am when I'm drunk and this, as you know, is not how I act. So, please take me back or at least think about it."

"I've thought about it," I start, "and it's a yes. I will take you back."

He doesn't say anything but he instantly attaches his lips to mine with a smile spread on his face.

"Fuck, I love you," he says after he pulls away.

"I love you too," I smile and lean in for another kiss.

I hope you enjoyed this Carys! Please vote and comment what you think!

X Grace

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