I Want More(Colby)*Requested*

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This imagine was requested by duhitzpenguinz

I hope you like you like it!

Warning: smut

Madelyn's POV
Colby and I have been friends since fifth grade. We did pretty much everything together. That was until Sam came along, who's now Colby's best friend. We're all friends but I feel like Sam hangs out with Colby more which is okay... kind of. I just feel like we're drifting apart.

Sam and him are currently playing the dumb video game like they do every time we all hang out and it's annoying as fuck. I never get to play the game either because they think I'm not good enough. So I just sit here bored as fuck while watching the land game.

"Madelyn,"Colby says while waving his hand in front of my face.

"What?"I ask, noticing that the game was paused.

"Are you okay? You seem a bit out of it,"Colby says.

"I'm just not feeling the best,"I shrug,"I think I'm going to go up to my room."

"Okay,"he shrugs and goes back to his game. Unbelievable.

I sigh as I get up from the couch then go up to room. I plop onto my bed and take my phone out of my pocket. I go onto YouTube and scroll through to find an interesting video.

*knock knock*

"Come in,"I say as I lock my phone and place on my bed

"Hey,"Colby says while closing the door behind him. He walks over to my bed then sits down.

"What's up?"I ask sitting up.

"Just wondering how you're feeling,"he says and I shrug,"you know you can tell me anything, right?"

"Yeah I know,"I nod,"it's just I don't feel like we're as close as we used to be."

"What do you mean?"he asks.

"I just feel like you and Sam hang out more than we do now. I miss doing everything with you 24/7,"I explain.

"I didn't realize,"Colby mumbles with his head down,"I'm sorry."

"It's okay,"I smile,"at least we're still friends."

"Yeah,"he smiles back,"but can I tell you something?"

"Of course."

"Okay, well,"he takes a deep breath,"I- I've actually liked you for a long time."

My eyes widen in shock,"what?"

"Yeah, ever since the fifth grade I've liked you but you only saw me as a friend. I really hope me telling you this doesn't ruin our friendship because I don't want us to stop becoming friends. I just... I love you, Madelyn."

"I love you too, Colby,"I say then peck his lips which causes him to look at me in shock. But he doesn't say anything he just connects his lips with mine.

"Fuck, I love you so much,"Colby mutters against my lips as he lays me back onto the bed. His lips move to my neck as his hips grind down onto mine.

"Colby,"I gasp as he rips off my shirt and kisses down my cleavage. He unhooks my bra and cups them in both hands before latching his lips onto one of my nipples. I weave my hands through his hair as he sucks on my other nipple.

He kisses me before taking his shirt off and I flip us over so that I'm straddling him. I kiss down his chest as I rock my hips into his.

"Madelyn,"Colby breaths out as I reach the hem of his pants. I slowly unzip his jeans and pull them down his legs. He moans as he bucks his hips as I press a kiss to his clothed hard- on. I take off his boxers as he sighs in relief as his erection slaps against his stomach.

I lick up the slit of his cock causing him to whimper a 'fuck'. His hands knot into my hair as I take his tip into my mouth, sucking on it hard.

"Baby,"Colby whines while he pushes my head to take more of him. He gasps when I take all of him. His hips buck up into my mouth, causing me to gag."Fuck, sorry."

I hum around him as I close my mouth and my tongue swirls around his tip. He rocks his hips into my mouth and I look up at him. His mouth is hung opens, eyes screwed shut, and his hand back.

"Uh,"he moans out as he fists my hair. I moan around him as he moves his hips faster."M' close."

He whines as I take my mouth off of him and stand up to take off the rest of my clothes. He watches me with hungry eyes as I straddle him again and reach into my nightstand drawer to get a condom. Colby snatches it out of my hand and rips it open with his teeth then slides it on. I smile innocently at him before lining him up with my entrance and sinking down onto him. I hiss at the stretch, remembering I didn't prep.

I start to get used to the feeling and then slam back down onto him and he immediately grasps my hips as we both moan.

"M- Madelyn,"Colby groans as I start bouncing,"s- shit."

"Colby,"I cry out while I grip his shoulders for support.

"S' good,"he praises. I watch as his head rolls back and his hips buck to match with my movements.

"C- close,"I moan as I rest my head on his chest.

"F- fucking hell, let go, baby girl,"he groans.

I cry out his name as I release around him and he comes into the condom shortly after.

We both reach our highs and I lay down next to him when he's done disposing of the condom.

He wraps his arms around me while we both breath heavily.

"Hey, Madelyn?"Colby pipes up.

"Yeah?"I question as I look at him.

"Will you be my girlfriend?"he asks.

"Yes,"I smile. He smiles back then presses a kiss to my forehead.

"If you guys ever want to fuck ever again when I'm here tell me to leave! I did not need to hear that!"Sam shouts from downstairs causing both Colby and I to erupt into a pit of laughter.

"I love you,"Colby says.

"I love you too."
Hey Madelyn I hope you liked this imagine! Sorry if it sucked lol I tired my best.

Anyways please vote and comment what you think!

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