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This was requested by emilianbucks hope you like it!

Emilia's POV
"Brennen, quit," I giggle as he continues to tickle me. I quickly stop laughing as soon as my eyes meet my boyfriend, Colby's, glare. I fail at trying not to laugh though because Brennen is stilling tickling me.

"Not until you say you're sorry," he smirks.

"Fine, fine! I'm sorry," I give in and catch my breath as soon as his hands are off of me.

"Are you coming over to mine later?" he asks as he lays back on the couch.

"Of course! I wouldn't miss our traditional movie night," I say with a smile. I hear Colby groan and I look over at him to see a frown on his face as he rolls his eyes.

"You okay, Colby?" I ask and he just nods.

"Well, I better get going," Brennen says as he stands up. "I'll see you later, Emilia."

"Yup, bye," I say with a small wave.

"Okay, Colby, what's your problem?" I turn to him.

"What? I don't have a problem," he says convincingly but I know he's lying.

"Colby, it looked like you were having the worst time of your life. Tell me what's wrong," I say, placing a hand on his thigh.

"Okay, I- I'm jealous," he stutters out, avoiding eye contact with me.

"Jealous? Of who?" I ask with a confused expression on my face.

"Of you and Brennen," he mumbles.

"Brennen and me? What the hell would you be jealous of us?"

"You guys just always seem so flirty while you're around each other."

"Colby, I do not like Brennen. Not like that anyway," I try to convince him.

"Are you sure?" he asks and I can't believe that he thinks that I like Brennen. We've been friends for years and out of all those years we never even hooked up one or kissed. Colby seriously has nothing to worry about.

"Yes, I'm sure. Don't be jealous of him. You're my boyfriend, aren't you?" I ask as I cup his chin in my hand to peck his lips.

"Yeah, you're right. I shouldn't be jealous."

"Glad to see you thinking like that. Now, how about we go get lunch because I don't know about you but I'm starving."

"Yeah, I am," he chuckles.

Colby and I eat at Taco Bell. We don't talk much because we were both focused on eating since we both felt so sick from hunger.

"Thanks for the food, Colby," I say while getting in the car.

"No problem, Baby," he says and intertwines our fingers. The car ride home was silent and I couldn't wait to get home because I'm going to be getting for movie night with Brennen. We always start them super early so that we can fit in a lot of movies because we both get extremely tired.

I go to my room and gather a whole bunch of things including some movies that Brennen has me buy. It takes about fifteen minutes until I'm all ready and head out.

"Bye, Colby! I'll be back tomorrow morning!" I say as I open the door.

"Okay! See you tomorrow, Emilia!" he yells back just before I close the door.

Brennen's apartment is only a few doors down and I knock on the door. He answers the door and allows me in. I get out all my stuff and we organize our little area that we always make for movie nights.

"What movie are we starting with?" he asks, sitting down.

"Do you want to start with new or old?" I ask.

"Hmm," he hums while tapping his chin with his finger like he's thinking. "Old."

"The Breakfast Club?" I offer and he nods. I put the DVD in the player and wait for it to load since the TV was already set. I hit play and we get settled the rest of the way.

As the movie is not even halfway in my eye starts to hurt.

"Ow! Oh my god," I say and close both of my eyes. I sit up and rub my eye. I know it's it good to rub your eyes but I was hoping it would help. It didn't.

"Are you okay?" Brennen asks.

"Do I have something in my eye? It really hurts," I ask and look up so he can get a better look. He leans in to examine my eye and I try my best not to close them again.

"Unbelievable!" we both jump at the loud voice and the slamming of the door.

"What the hell man?" Brennen yells, standing up. I still have no idea what's going on with my eye so I just sit there. I try blinking fast because I heard sometimes that helps and thankfully, it did. I stand up next to my best friend.

"Colby? What are you doing here?" I ask.

"Well, I did come here to ask if I could join the movie night but then see my girlfriend and her best friend kissing!" he yells and clenches his jaw in anger.

"Kissing? We were not kissing!" Brennen shots back.

"Y- you weren't?" Colby asks, taken aback.

"No, we weren't!" Brennen shouts. "And why the hell are you in here? I didn't invite you in."

"I'm sorry. The door was unlocked," Colby mumbles.

"That doesn't give you an open invitation though, Colby," I explain, trying to sound as nice as possible because I don't want him to think I'm mad at him even though I am a little.

"I know, I'm sorry. I'll go," he says then walks out with his head down.

"I'm going to go too. Sorry, Brennen, but we'll reschedule," I say and pack up my things.

"Okay," he nods. I walk to my apartment and see Colby sitting on the couch crying.

"Colby, why are you crying?" I ask taking a seat next to him.

"Because I'm such an embarrassment. I get jealous so easily and just embarrassed you because of my jealousy."

"You didn't embarrass me at all. I think it's kind of cute how protective you are of me," I lay my head in his shoulder.

"R- really?"

"Really. But just don't be jealous over Brennen, okay? There's no reason to be."

"I won't anymore, I promise. Sorry, that I thought you guys were kissing too."

"It's fine, I forgive you," I kiss his shoulder. "How about we have our own little movie night?"

"Sounds great," he smiles.

I hope you enjoyed this Emilia! Please vote and comment what you think!

X Grace

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