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This imagine is for Im_not_very_much I hope you enjoy it!

Kenley's POV
I sit in after-school detention staring at the homework placed in front of me as I try to figure out the problem while everyone else talks from across the room and nags me. Mrs. Oldman doesn't even bother trying to shut everyone up which only makes me even more irritated. I shouldn't even be in this Hell since I didn't do anything wrong. It's all Cole Brock's fault. Or Colby Brock. I honestly couldn't care less what he goes by though.

But he's seriously the reason why I'm here since he kept talking to me during the test in Mr. Webley's class and when I told him to shut up, of course, I get in trouble too. I mean other students agree with me since I keep hearing snickers asking why I'm here.

"So tell me," Colby Brock says as he sits down in the desk next to me, "why are you doing homework in detention?"

"Because unlike you, I'm responsible and I want to get it done," I snap back not looking away from my paper. Suddenly, a hand grabs it and of course, it's Colby. I think about telling Mrs. Oldman but I know that Colby will just make fun of me and I don't feel like dealing with that right now.

"Give it back," I whine as I try to grab it back but he raises it out of my reach.

"Under one condition," he says with a smirk on his face.

"No," I say bluntly.

"You don't even know what I was going to say," he chuckles.

"Still, no," I say while crossing my arms.

"Okay, then I guess I'll have to do this," he says as his smirk grows big as he prepares to rip my paper.

"No! Okay, Jesus, what do you want me to do?" I sigh.

"You have to say Colby Brock is the smartest, most responsible student ever and Kenley Nicole is just a jealous bitch who likes him but doesn't want to admit it," he says with that shit-eating smirk glued on his face and it takes all my will to not slap it off.

"I am definitely not saying that," I say and I hear my paper start to rip. "Okay, okay! I'll say it... Colby Brock is the smartest, most responsible student ever and Kenley Nicole is just a jealous bitch who likes him but doesn't want to admit it. There, are you happy?"

"Very. Also, I've never heard you swear before. Kind of turns me on."

I kick him in the shin, "ow what the fuck?"

"You're disgusting."

"You love it," he smirks again.

I just sigh and shake my head as I get back to work. But I can't focus since I can practically feel Colby's eyes burning into me.

"Quit staring at me," I sneer.

"Sorry, I can't help it you're just so beautiful," he says and I feel a light blush creep up my face. "Ha! I made you blush I knew that would work. But in all seriousness, I would have to be blind to actually think you're at least a little pretty."

Ouch, that actually felt like I got punched in the heart.

"Why would I care about what you think of me?" I say, trying to sound confident.

"I know you do."


"Whatever," he sighs as he leans back in his chair.

I won, I think to myself.

"Can I ask you a question?" he pipes up causing me to roll my eyes in annoyance.

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