Best Friends?(Sam)*Requested*

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This imagine is for DaniDash12 hope you enjoy it!

Warning: smut

Third person

"Okay, class, get in your seats,"Mrs. Anderson hushes as she sits down at her desk."We have a new student today! Please welcome, Sam Golbach."

Mrs. Anderson sigh as she gets up from her chair and walks over to the door while tugging a blonde haired and blue eyed boy into the room.

"Everyone say, hi,"Mrs. Anderson encourages as Sam hides behind her. A choir of hi's erupts in the room."Okay, Sam, why don't you go and sit by Danielle?"

Sam looks over to the girl sitting alone with a crayon in her hand who's also staring at Sam with a smile. Sam nods as he nervously walks over to the girl then sits down.

"Hi, I'm Danielle, but you can call me Dani because I know we're going to be best fwends for life and I only let my fwends call me that,"Danielle introduces while reaching her hand out for Sam to shake it. Sam looks down at her hand then back up at her while shaking her hand.

Mrs. Anderson blabs on about the usual first grade things until the lunch bell rings.

"Sammy, sit with me!"Danielle squeals as she waves Sam over and pats a seat next to her. Sam walks over to the table, almost tripping over his own feet.

"What did you get for lunch?"Danielle asks while opening her lunch bag. Sam shrugs while looking into the brown paper bag his mom sent him to school with. How embarrassing.

He takes out a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, a packet of fruit snacks, a bag of potato chips, and a bottle of water. Danielle has the same thing.

"We're matching!"Danielle points out. Sam smiles while nodding and taking a bite of his sandwich."Best friends forever!"

*middle school*
Sam's crush in Danielle is getting stronger. His middle school brain couldn't stop thinking about her and he barely got any sleep because of it. It's not normal to think about you're best friend the way Sam does. He really wants to ask her out but he's too scared to ruin their friendship. He's not sure if she likes him back anyways.

But he knows that if he doesn't ask he'll never know.

"Sam, guess what?"Danielle asks while she happily skips up to Sam.

"What?"he asks.

"I got a date with Colby!"she squeals while jumping up and down. Sam's heart breaks. How could she do this? Well, it's not like she knew Sam liked her. But he's still mad that Colby asked her out.

"Wow, that's amazing,"he lies while scratching the back of his neck.

"I know right,"she says, then the bell rings,"well I have to get to class. See you later!"

Sam blushed slightly as she kissed his cheek. It's something that they also do. People think it's weird but it doesn't bother them.

"Okay,"he kisses her cheek,"bye."

Sam's plan to ask her out are now demolished due to that brown haired, blue eyed devil named Colby Brock. But Sam hopes some day that Danielle will be all his.

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