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This imagine is for Cheeeeeeeepppps

Warning: smut

Third person
Colby Brock. The bad boy of the school and the one guy that everyone wanted. But he has his eyes set on one girl. Her name was Lillia. She was the most pure and innocent girl in school and that was why Colby liked her. He wanted to corrupt her, take her virginity, and claim her as his. He wanted her and only her. He just didn't know how.

"Hey, Lillia,"she hears Colby say. She slams her locked shut and ignores him, her books held tightly as she walks down the hall.

"Lillia,"Colby says as he grasps her arm and spins her around.

"W- what do you want,"she stutters as she tightens her grip on her books. She starts to feel small.

"Aw, don't be afraid of me, darling,"Colby says as she brushes a piece of hair away from her face. She took a small step back and Colby frowned.

"M'not,"Lillia lies,"j- just what do you want?"

"I was wondering if you could tutor me. I heard that you're really good in math and my grade isn't looking so great. Do you think you could help?"Colby asks.

"S- sure,"she mumbles.

"Okay, is tonight alright? I need you're help as soon as possible,"Colby asks.

"I- I guess,"she says then starts walking back to her class.

Colby smiles as he thinks of all the things that can happen tonight and he couldn't wait.

*after school*
Colby waited at his car for Lillia. Once, he saw her his heart started to race from excitement and nervousness. He really likes her and doesn't want to screw this up. He may be bad but that doesn't mean he doesn't get scared or have a heart.

"H- hi,"Lillia stutters as she shys away from him.

"Let's go,"Colby says as he gets into his car. He starts the car as Lillia gets into it."Do you care if we go to my house?"

"N- no that's fine,"she says and Colby smiles at her.

They get to Colby's house and go upstairs.

"My parent aren't home so it'll be pretty quiet,"Colby says as he sits down he pulls out a chair for Lillia and gestures to it. She sits down and waits for Colby to pull out his work. But instead of that he crashes his lips onto hers. Her eyes widen but they close as soon as she melts into the kiss.

Colby picks Lillia up then throws her onto the bed, grinding his hips onto hers. He kisses down her neck as he unbuttons her blouse. Once, he slides off her shirt he takes off her bra. He cups her breasts causing her to let out a whimper.

"So beautiful,"Colby hums as he squeezes her breasts. He wraps his mouth around one of her nipples.

"C- Colby,"she gasps as a hand runs through his hair. He just chuckles as he kisses down her body. He unzips her jeans and pulls them off along with her panties. He runs a finger up her slit causing her to moan.

"So wet,"he says before licking up her slit. She tangles her hands in his hair while whimpering.

"I- I'm so close. G- gonna cum,"she cries out as Colby plugs two fingers into her."C- Colby."

"It's okay, I've got you. Just cum, baby girl,"Colby encourages.

Lillia lets out a long moan as she cums. Colby takes out his fingers then shoves them in his mouth. He moans then takes his fingers out of his mouth. He takes off his shirt.

He walks over to his drawer to take out a condom, pulling down his pants and boxers as he does.

He goes back over to the bed then slides on the condom. He lines himself with with Lillia's entrance. He slides into her causing her to wince at the pain. Colby wait stops his actions, trying not to hurt her.

"H- hurts a little,"she whimpers in pain.

"I know but it'll feel good soon, I promise,"Colby says while rubbing her cheek with his thumb. She nods as he starts thrusting into her slowly. She moans in pleasure then begs him to go faster.

"Fuck, baby girl, you feel so good,"Colby praises then grunts.

"I'm gonna cum, soon,"she breaths out.

"It's okay, cum when you need to. I've got you,"he says.

She nods frantically. She throws her head back as she cums around Colby. Colby cums and they both ride out their highs.

Colby disposed of the condom then lays down next to Lillia.

"I really like you. Will you go on a date with me?"Colby asks.

"Y- yes,"Lillia nods which causing Colby to grin then press a kiss to her lips sweetly.

They soon both asleep Colby holding Lillia tightly with a smile on his face.
Hey Lillia I hope you liked this imagine! Please vote and comment what you think!

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