Forget Him(Colby)*Requested*

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This was requested by emilianbucks

Warning: Smut

Emilia's POV
My eyes couldn't believe what they were seeing. I can't believe this was happening right in front of me. My boyfriend, Brennen, is making out with some girl on the dance floor. Did he not think I would be able to find them? This is absolutely ridiculous.

"What the fuck Brennen?" I yell, catching both his and the girl's attention as they pull away. He has lipsticks smeared all over his lips and it makes me gag.

"Baby," he slurs. "It's not what it looks like," he says stumbling over to me. He's so drunk that he can hardly stand up.

"It's exactly what it looks like and don't try to convince me otherwise. I can't believe you would do something like that," I sneer and he looks at me with puppy dog eyes.

"Babe, please I'm sorry," he continues to slur. "Just come on and dance with me. I'll make it up to later."

"Like hell you will! Never talk to me again you douche! Good luck finding someone to drive you home too!" I stomp out of the house, my heart pounding with anger. "Fuck him," I mumble to myself.

I soon end up finding myself at a club, getting drunk off my ass to forget what had happened tonight. To forget Brennen in general.

"Woah, better watch where you're going," a deep chuckles, placing his hands on my shoulders.

"Sorry," I slur out. I look at the boy in front of me who looks oddly familiar. "Hey wait, aren't you one of Brennen's friends?"

"Yeah, I'm Colby," he says with a small smile.

"Oh right," I say and put a hand on his chest. "I'm his girlfriend well, ex-girlfriend. I broke up with him earlier."

"Oh, why's that?"

"M, don't really want to talk about it. I came here to forget everything," I say then grab a shot off the counter that wasn't for me but still drink it.

"Well, getting drunk won't help me," the brunette chuckles once again. I roll my eyes before gesturing a bartender to come over here and I order another drink.

"That is where you're wrong, mister," I say, pointing my finger at him. "I've already halfway forgotten him until I saw you but soon he won't even cross my mind."

"Whatever you say," Colby chuckles.

"Have you had a drink yet? I can get you one if you'd like."

"No, I'm good," he shakes his head.

"Oh, come on," I say and then order him a drink anyways.

"You didn't have to do that. I'm not much of a drinker."

"Well, that's about to change tonight," I say with a sly smirk.

Colby's POV
My god, am I shitfaced. I feel fucking awful for drinking so much but I also don't regret it one bit. I've never had so much fun before until Emilia insisted that I have a few drinks which turned to too many. We're both extremely drunk but give zero fucks at all.

"Colby, come join me," Emilia giggles as she gets up on the counter and starts dancing.

"No way," I chuckle. "I'll stay down here but you have fun up there," I say and hear people starting to cheer for her, me being one of them.

"Are you sure you don't want join?" she says and I nod. "Okay, whatever you say, party pooper," I laugh at her insult but stay where I am. Knowing me, if I tried to get up there I would end up falling and embarrassing myself. "Colby, catch me!"

"Emilia, what the fuck are you talking about?" to my luck, she falls right into my arms with a giggle.

"You're strong," she says, squeezing her hand on my bicep. I roll my eyes before putting her down and she stumbles a little. "I think you need another drink," she says. I am sobering up a little but I honestly don't want another one. I have to keep an eye on her now because she's way too drunk to function.

She got to me to drink more. I couldn't say no to her because she kept begging and begging. We're currently drunkenly grinding against each other in the middle of the dance floor. My hands are on her waist and her hips are moving against me to the beat of the song. She turns around and wraps her arms around my neck then places wet kisses along my neck.

"God babe," I groan and pull her closer to me. She starts grinding against me faster and I feel myself start to grow hard. I push her away which causing her to look at me confused but I take her hand before dragging her along the crowd. We end up at my car and I push her against it before pressing my lips to hers. The kiss quickly gets rushed and filled with lust. She moans against my lips and I abruptly push my hips into hers.

"Fuck Colby," she moans and weaves her hands through my hair.

"Fuck, get in the car," I demand, pulling away. She nods before opening the door to the backseat then climbs in. I get in and hover over her before crashing our lips together once again.

"Colby, please," she whimpers as I suck on her sweet spot. I growl against her before detaching my lips to remove both of our shirts.

"Holy shit," I groan, squeezing her breasts causing her to let out a loud moan. "Fucking beautiful," I praise. She arches her back to allow me to unclasp her bra. I throw it somewhere in the car before peppering kisses along the mounds.

"F- fuck," she moans as I suck on one of her nipples while one of my hands toys with the other. "Colby, please I need more."

"Patience, baby girl," I hum, trailing kisses to the waistband of her tight leggings. I snap the band, her hips bucking. I chuckle at her reaction before pushing the leggings down her legs. I moan at the sight of her panties, drenched with arousal.

"O- oh," she whimpers as I place a kiss to her clothed core. I wrap my fingers around the material then remove them.

"Fuck, so wet," I mumble to myself, swiping a finger up her slit. I place the finger in my mouth and moan at the taste of her.

"Oh my god," she cries out as I start devouring her. She throws her legs onto my back and she starts circling her hips. "So good," I swirl my tongue around her clit before entering two fingers into her.

"So tight," I grunt. "Can't wait to feel you around my cock."

"Then fuck me already, please," she begs, my cock twitching at her tone. She whines while I take my fingers out. I take off my pants and boxers, pumping my length a few times before lining myself up with her entrance.

"Oh fuck," I push in, feeling her stretch around me. "Emilia," I breathe out, starting to move my hips in and out of her.

"Colby," she moans, digging her nails into my back causing me to hiss. "I'm close."

"Shit, baby, me too," I grunt. I press my pointer finger to her clit and make small circles. She cums around me with a scream of my name and I soon release into her after. I pull out of her as we both try to catch our breaths. "We have to do that again when we're not drunk."

"I was hoping for round two right now," she says and wraps her hand around my cock.


Hey, Emilia, I hope you enjoyed this! Please vote and comment what you think!

X Grace

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