Truth or Dare(Sam)*Requested*

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This imagine is for jenniruth1234567890

Warning: Contains smut(also Kat doesn't exist in this story so keep that in mind)

Jennifer's POV
Elton, Amanda, Aaron, Corey, Devyn, Sam, Colby, Shea and I sit in a circle in the living room. We're playing a lame game of truth or dare like we always do whenever I'm over.

"Devyn truth or dare?"Elton asks Devyn. Devyn hesitates before answering with 'dare',"I dare you so make out with Colby for one minute."

Devyn's face heats up and Corey eyes almost pop out of his head,"no way is my girlfriend making out with another guy... or girl for that matter!"

Corey is very overprotective of Devyn but sometimes he's too overprotective. I mean it's cute but sometimes it's too much. Colby pulled a fake hickey prank on Corey where he gave Devyn a "hickey" and he nearly killed Colby. Okay, I might be exaggerating but still.

"Sorry, dude, she chose dare and she's not allowed to back out of it.
You know the rules,"Elton informs Corey who's glaring at Elton with his jaw clenched.

"Baby, do you even feel comfortable doing this?"Corey asks but all Devyn does is shrug while looking down at her lap.

"Ugh, fine, I'll change it. Just give Colby a kiss on the cheek, I guess,"Elton says annoyed while rolling his eyes. Devyn crawls over to Colby and gives him a pathetic kiss on the cheek. She crawls back over to Corey and he wraps his arms around her.

"Ok, Jennifer, truth or dare?"Devyn asks me.

"Uh- truth,"I say. Yes, I know I'm so boring but I sometimes chose dare. Key word sometimes.

"Have you ever had a crush on either Sam or Colby or both?"Devyn asks which causes a blush to immediately creep up on my cheeks. Everyone was staring at me and my heart was pounding. Sam, Colby, and I have been friends for as long as I can remember and that's all. Just friends. I mean I did once have a crush on Sam but those feeling are gone... kinda.

"Y- yeah, Sam,"I stutter as my face gets redder. I shyly look at Sam who's eyes are widen in shock.

"Really?"Sam asks and I could hear the shock in his voice. I just nod, too embarrassed to speak.

"Okay!"Someone shouts causing me to jump,"pick someone, Jennifer."

"Umm,"my eyes scan the room,"and they land on Colby."

"Colby,"I pipe up,"truth or dare?"

"Dare,"he says confidently. I expected him to choose dare since he always does. He's not a pussy like the others.

"I dare you to play seven minutes in heaven with Shea,"I smirk. They both look at each other in worry. They're best friends but I'm still closer to Colby... not that it matters. They sit there staring each other, thinking about whether or not Colby should do the dare. But he never backs out of a dare but I bet that's going to end right about...

"Let's go Shea,"Colby says while grabbing her hand. They scurry out of the room and in no time you can hear moans coming from upstairs.

"Well, I'm done playing,"Aaron chuckles nervously while exiting the room. Everyone ends up leaving but Sam and I stay put. There's an awkward silence between us but Sam breaks it.

"Is it true?"Sam asks and I furrow my eyebrows in confusion,"did you used to like me?"

"Ye- yeah and I- I still kinda do,"I admit feeling my face heat up like before.

"Well, good,"Sam smiles.


"Yeah, because I like you too,"he says.

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