Kissing (Preference)

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Warning: Cute as fuck

Colby: Colby would be so gentle while he kisses you. He would cup your face in both of his hands as you share the sensual kiss. His lips would be so soft against yours and it would feel like you're flying from all the passion in the kiss. His hands would end up in your hair while your lips move in sync. After you guys pull away, your foreheads would rest against each other before sharing a few more pecks on the lips.

Sam: Sam would be a little rough with the kiss but at the same time be so gentle. It would start off with his lips moving slowly against yours while he massages your hips but as it progresses it gets heated. His hands would massage your bum as your tongues fought for dominance, his always winning. You guys would both pull away completely out of breath.

Hey guys, I wanted to try something new. Let me know if you want me to write more of these (of course there will also be dirty ones as well). Also, you guys can request what you want to see as a preference.

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