Holiday Traditions(Colby)*Requested*

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This was requested by forevercolby I hope you enjoy!

Warning: Smut

Izzy's POV
I can't believe I'm about to see my best friend for the first time in years. Well, at least in person. I moved to a different state a few years ago and we haven't been able to see each other for years except on a phone or computer screen. We've been friends since we were born basically and when I found out we would be millions of miles away from each other, I couldn't stop crying for days. It was definitely one of the most difficult things I've ever had to do. But I'm so happy that I finally get to see him. The only reason we are is that my mom decided she wanted to visit this cabin all of us use to go to during winter break. She almost changed her mind about going but I was able to convince her. I've missed Colby so much and I wasn't going to allow my mom to change her mind in the spot. I know I may sound selfish but if you were going through what I am, then you would understand.

"Oh my god, finally here," I excitedly mumble to myself as we pull up to the cabin. I get out as quickly as possible and grab all my things from the trunk before going into the cabin. I don't see Colby downstairs so I assume he's upstairs. I almost trip running up the stairs and some of my things almost fall but luckily, nothing did. I open the door to the room where we used to stay in and I can't help but squeal as I see Colby sitting up on his bed, watching something on his computer. I drop my things on my bed before grabbing his laptop and throwing it aside, giving him a hug right away.

"Holy shit, Izzy. You're finally here," he says, hugging me back tightly. I couldn't say anything, I just smile from the excitement filling me.

"Sorry, it took so long my mom made like a billion stops on the way here," I apologize as we pull away. "I thought we wouldn't get here until a lot later but I'm glad we didn't because I was going insane. I should've driven myself here honestly."

"Well, at least you did make it. I was pretty bored honestly and I didn't want to do anything without you being here. I also wanted to see you right when you got here."

"Izzy, do you need any help unpacking?" my mom says, walking into the room.

"No, I'm perfectly capable of unpacking, Mom," I say while rolling my eyes. My mom still treats me like I'm five sometimes and it's honestly so annoying. She barely thinks I'm capable of doing anything myself.

"Okay, I was just checking. Also, us gals are going to go to town for a little," my mom says motioning to herself and Colby's mom who's in the hallway. "Will you two be okay while we're gone?"

"Yes, Mom, we will be. We're 17 for Pete's sake," I say.

"Okay okay," she says. "I trust you guys won't trash the cabin either."

"We'll be fine," Colby smiles. "I'll make sure Izzy doesn't make it into a disaster," Colby jokes and I playfully slap his arm.

"Jerk," I stick my tongue out at him.

"Okay, you two have fun while we're gone," my mom smiles then leaves the room. I start to unpack my suitcase and Colby comes I next to me to help.

"Why did you bring this?" he asks holding up a thong. "You gonna get laid up here in the middle of nowhere or some shit?" he chuckles about to fling it but I grab it from his hands.

"I brought it because I can. It's none of your business," I sass and he continues to chuckle. He helps me finish unpacking with, surprisingly, no snarky remarks. "So, what are we going to do?" I ask, plopping down into my bed.

"No idea," he shrugs. "I have the Wii hooked up in the other room and I can't kick your ass Just Dance like old times."

"You never won one game of Just Dance with me," I laugh.

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