Daddy Missed You(Colby)*Requested*

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Requested by infinitybrock 

TW: Smut, daddy kink, sex toys
Colby and Anna were cuddled up on the couch, watching a movie that Anna had convinced her stubborn boyfriend to watch who was already bored of it even though they were only ten minutes into it.

"Anna," Colby whined. "This is so boring. Let's do something else."

"But, Colbs," Anna shifted to look at the brown-haired boy. "I really want to watch this. You said we could," she pouted.

"Yeah, but that was before I knew how boring it was."

"Well, what else are we supposed to do? It's almost midnight," Anna sighed and turned her focus back onto the movie.

Colby leaned in close to her ear and whispered, "well there's something that we haven't done in quite some time now that I'm down to do," he placed a wet kiss behind her ear which gave her chills but she didn't budge.

"Colby, no not right now."

"Baby, please," another whine left Colby's lips. "I've been thinking about it all day," he groaned and pressed himself against Anna who bit back a moan at the feeling.

"Colby," she warned and felt a pool of wetness start to form in between her legs.

"C'mon, princess. I know you've missed Daddy," the boy smirked slyly and his hand traveled under the elastic of her sweats. "You're already so wet for me," he hummed, dipping his fingers into her panties.

"C- Colby," Anna whimpered as his fingers started to rub small circles against her clit.

"That's not my name, sweetheart," Colby growled in her ear before he tugged on the lobe with his teeth.

"F- fuck, Daddy!" the brunette girl moaned out as the blue-eyed boy quickened up the pace of his fingers.

"Missed you moaning for me so much. God, sound so pretty," Colby praised as his girlfriend shivered under his touch.

"D- Daddy, m' close," Anna warned as she felt the feeling in her stomach start to tighten. She let out a loud whine when Colby retrieved his hand.

"I want you to go to my bedroom and strip. I'll be in there in a second," he instructed lowly. Anna nodded with a gulp before getting up and headed to her boyfriend's bedroom.

She stripped down before sitting on the bed and waited for Colby with her heart pounding in anticipation. He walked into the room with a pair of handcuffs, a dildo, and a vibrator in his hands. Anna let out an audible gasp at the sight.

"I hope you're ready to have some fun tonight, princess," a smirk spread across the tatted boy's face. He placed the items on the bed before he stripped out of his own clothing and grabbed the handcuffs.

"Lay back and spread your legs, baby," Colby commanded and Anna obeyed. "Shit, babe," he groaned at the sight of her glistening pussy. He crawled onto the bed with the handcuffs in his hands. A small frown formed on the hazel-eyed girl's face once the handcuffs were placed around her wrists. She always hated using the handcuffs but she knew if she complained about it, it would only result in a punishment which usually consists of her not being able to cum.

"Oh fuck, Daddy!" Anna cried out as she felt Colby's tongue run up her slit. He hummed in delight before delving his tongue into her hole.

"Gotta quiet down. Don't want the neighbors to complain now do we?" Colby asked with a sly smirk.

"N- no," Anna whimpered as her boyfriend's thumb came in contact with her clit while his tongue lapped over her folds. "Daddy!" she whined.

"Feel good, princess?" Colby hummed and entered a finger into her.

"Oh fuck, so good," she let out a high pitched moan as she threw her head back against the pillows. "Shit," she breathed out at the stretch of two more fingers entering her, pumping in and out of her quickly. "Oh my god, Daddy!" she cried out again, not caring about the neighbors but Colby's hand cover her mouth.

"You getting close, baby girl?" Colby teased.

"Uh-huh," she replied which was muffled by Colby's hand.

Colby pulled away from her core and Anna tried her best not to whine in disappointment. He grabbed the dildo and vibrator next which caused a spark of excitement to run through her.

"I'm going to fuck you with the dildo using the vibrator. Sound good?" Colby rasped out and Anna nodded. "Words!" he barked.

"Y- yes, Daddy."

"Good," the browned-haired boy smiled and picked up the dildo. "Suck," he instructed and watched as Anna wrapped her lips around it. His cock throbbed at the sight and helped her take it all the way until she was gagging. She released it and Colby placed it at her entrance before slowly pushing it in.

"Oh fuck," she panted. Colby only grinned while retrieving the vibrator and flicked it on. "Holy shit!" the brunette girl nearly screamed at the feeling of the vibrations against her clit. The tatted boy started to thrust the toy inside of her who was letting out moans of ecstasy.

"Baby, you need to be quiet or else I'll have to stop," Colby warned.

"Daddy, I can't— fuck I need you," Anna begged.

"Not yet."

"Daddy, please!" Anna begged once again. Colby upped the setting on the vibrator and quickened the pace of the dildo. "Fuck, I'm getting close again."

"You wanna cum, baby girl?" Colby asked teasingly.

"Sh- shit, yes," Anna whimpered.

"Sorry, babe but you can't. Not until I'm inside you," Colby said and removed both toys.

"Daddy," she whined and squirmed around agitatedly.

"Anna," Colby scowled and delivered a slap to her ass.

"Fuck, sorry, Daddy," she apologized.

Colby grabbed a condom out of the bedside table, tore the package open, and rolled it on.

"Daddy, hurry," Anna whined and wrapped his legs around his waist to bring his closer. His tip rubbed against her folds which elicited moans from both of them.

"Oh shit, so tight," he sighed as he slowly started to enter her. He crashed his lips to hers and moaned against them once he bottomed out.

"Shit, Daddy," Anna whimpered and clenched around Colby.

"Goddamn," Colby grunted at the feeling. He pulled back out before slamming back into her.

"Oh my fucking god!" Anna screamed and dug her nails into his back.

"You feel so good holy shit," Colby praised and latched his lips against her neck. He sucked and nipped her neck then trailed his lips down her breasts.

"Daddy, faster please!"

"Fucking hell," Colby groaned gutturally. He wrapped his lips around one of her nipples as she whimpered underneath him.

"Daddy, I'm not gonna last much longer."

"Fuck, baby wait," the brown-haired boy panted and sped up his thrusts which were becoming sloppy.

"Daddy, I can't!"

"Okay, baby let go. Fuck— let go for Daddy," Colby encouraged.

"Daddy!" Anna screamed, her nails scratched down his back as she released onto Colby's cock.

"Holy shit, babe," Colby growled and felt his cock twitch before his load spilled into the condom. She winced as he pulled out, missing the feeling of feeling full.

Colby got up to dispose of the condom and joined Anna back in bed.

"We're definitely going to get a noise complaint," he chuckled.


Okay, this sucked ass but I tried. I hope you liked it... somehow. Vote and comment what you think and all that shit.

Love you guys

X Grace

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