Vidcon Party(Colby)*Requested*

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Part one of two

Requested by zamraee hope you like it!

Rae's POV
I cannot believe that was invited to Vidcon this year! I'm even going as an influencer which makes me even more excited since I don't have to pay to attend.

The plane lands my heart starts to speed it from the excitement. I've never been away from home but I'm not nervous or scared at all. I thought I would be by now but I'm just even more excited.

I get an Uber to the hotel and nearly crash once I get there since it's so late.

*The next day at Vidcon*
"Oh my god! It's Rae!" a girl a few feet away from me excitedly squeals to her friends. I smile as they walk up to me quickly. "Can I please get a picture with you?"

"Of course!" I say. She opens her camera app and her friends crowd into the frame.

"Thank you so much! I love your video!"

"Oh well, you're welcome," I smile. She smiles at me before going off to find someone else to meet.

*After Vidcon*
Everyone is starting to clear out of the venue and it makes me sad that day one is over.

"Hey, Rae!" someone yells and I whip my head to see who called for me. Or some other Rae because I'm sure that they aren't talking to me. No one really knows me so.

"Rae!" a blonde haired boy approaches me.

"Y- yes?" I end up stuttering. Way to sound confident.

"I'm Sam Golbach and my friend and I are hosting a party later tonight. Would you like to come? A bunch of other influencers will be there too," he says with a welcoming smile.

"Uh- yeah sure!"

"Great! It starts at 10:00. Here's the address. My number's on there too just in case," he says, handing me a small piece of paper.

"Thank you," I smile while grabbing the paper. He says welcome before going over to his friends as they try to get out of the venue.

This week is going to be awesome!

*At the party*
I feel so awkward. No one has come up to talk to me. I'm just standing here, drink in my hand, by the fucking drink table like an idiot.

"You're awfully quiet," a brown-haired boy approaches me, grabbing a beer from a cooler.

"No one has tried to talk to me so," I shrug.

"That's why you go up to people," he chuckles.

"Too late now since I'm talking to you."

"Unless, I leave right now," he says as he pretends to start walking away.

"You better fucking not," I giggle and lightly grab his arm.

"I was kidding I'm not that much of a douche," he says. "By the way I'm Colby."

"I'm Rae," I smile. I start to study his features and damn, he's hot. No one as hot as him wouldn't dare talk to me.

"Are you done studying me?" he chuckles and my face goes red.

"I- uh... sorry," I apologize and mentally slap myself for sounding so awkward.

"It's fine," he assures with another chuckle. "I'm just glad you didn't catch me checking you out."

My face flushes to even a deeper red. I don't say anything because I have no idea how to respond to that without sounding like an awkward little shit.

"Well, I sadly have to go interact with other human beings. But first, give me your phone so I can put my number in it," he says then makes a grabby hand. I nod before taking my phone out of my pocket and unlock it before handing it to him. I watch as he types in his number then hands me back my phone. He pecks my cheek before leaving to mingle with another group of people.

I silently squeal in excitement at the fact that he just basically asked me out. Like I said before, this is going to be the best week ever.

Hey Rae! I hope you enjoyed part one of your imagine! Please vote and comment what you think!

X Grace

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