Sneaking Around(Colby)*Requested*

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Part two of Vidcon Party

Warning: S M U T
Rae's POV
Colby and I have been spending almost every second of each day together. It sucks that after today we only have one more day together. As I go to the bathroom to get ready, my phone vibrates in my hand.

Colby: Meet me in my room asap. Sam isn't here and I need you.

Me: I'll be there soon

Colby: Can't wait to see you, Babygirl

I put my phone down and get ready as fast as I can. Which, I hope is fast enough for Colby. I grab my shoes along with my purse and head out the door. My feet quickly carry me to the elevators and I go down to floor seven. My foot taps quickly against the floor as I wait for it to show the number seven above the door. I step out and speed walk to Colby's room. I lightly knock on the door.

"Welcome," Colby smirks while gesturing me in. As soon as the door shuts, Colby pins me against the wall. He immediately pulls my shirt over my head and takes off my bra. His hands grope my breasts, his thumbs running over my nipples.

"Gotta be quick though," he sighs, "I don't know when Sam's going to be back. In fact, he could walk in any moment and see what we're doing. But you would like that wouldn't you?"

A whimper falls from my lips. His lips travel down from my neck to my breasts, leaving marks along the way. Hands trail down to my leggings and he sneaks a hand into my panties.

"Uh..." I moan as he plugs a finger into me with no warning.

"So wet," he purrs. "Could easily slide into you right now."

He takes his finger out and puts it in his mouth to clean it up before shoving my leggings along with my panties down my legs. He gets down on his knees, kissing up my thighs, completely avoiding the place I need him most.

"Colby, please," I beg as my hands run through his hair. He doesn't waste time to run his tongue up my slit, collecting all my juices. His lips wrap around my clit, his tongue shooting out causing me to release a loud moan.

"Gotta be quiet, now," he warns against me and I nod. I have to bite my lip to hold back another moan that's bound to escape. After what feels like forever, he strips down and grabs a condom then rolls it on. He aligns himself at my entrance.

"You ready?" he asks.

"Y- yeah," my eyes squeeze shut at the stretch.

"Tell me when," he whispers and presses a kiss to my forehead.

I adjust to the feeling a little bit more before allowing him to move.

"Fuck, I love you," he groans. I almost freeze at the comment. Did he just say he loves me? We've only known each other for a few days. Maybe, he just said it because of the moment we're sharing and he's not thinking straight. I watch as his face contorts into pleasure and a breathless moan escapes my lips from the sight.

"Colby," I whimper, his hips buck and he hits my g-spot. My nails dig into his shoulders and he hisses. "S- Sorry."

"S' fine," he assures. He speeds up the pace and I feel my high approaching.

"C- close," I whimper.

"Wait, I'm getting there," he says while grabbing one of my hands, intertwining our fingers. his thrusts get deeper but sloppier and I can tell he getting closer to the edge.

"I- I can't hold it much longer," I pant.

"Let go," he breathes out. I let out a too loud moan of his name and feel bad for the people who are rooming next to us. He places his hands on the wall before thrusting a few more types.

"Rae," he moans out, throwing his head back while he releases into the condom. He pulls out of me and then throws away the condom. I get dressed while he does and he comes back over to put his clothes on.

"Colby, I have a question," I say as he slides his shirt on.

"What's up?" he asks.

"Did you really mean it? When you said you love me?" I ask and I feel my heart start to race at the anticipation.

"Uh," he scratches the back of his head. "Y- yeah, I do. I know it's too soon and I understand if that scared you since we aren't even dating a—"

"Colby," I interrupt him.

"Yeah?" he asks and I can tell he's nervous.

"I think I love you too," I confess.

"What? Really?"

"Really," I smile.

"Oh god, that makes me so happy. But about when we have to leave. We'll be so far away from each other."

"We'll figure something out, I promise," I peck his lips. He smiles at me before reconnecting our lips and an overwhelming feeling of happiness rushes over me.

Hey, zamraee I hope you enjoyed the second part of your imagine. Sorry, the ending is kind of lame I tried lol. But please vote and comment what you think!

X Grace

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