c̷h̷a̷p̷t̷e̷r̷ 1- Reverse Falls

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3rd Person POV

(Y/n), Bill, and Mabel are the only ones in the shack. Dipper took Raven on a date since Raven doesn't know what a 'date' is. Trigon is still in Hell, because he said that Raven could train and unleash her powers with (Y/n) helping her. So, the three is now watching 'Ducktective', as usual.

Time Skip: After an hour

(Y/n)'s POV

Dipper and Raven went inside with an ice cream each. Raven was laughing softly, and Dipper smiled to her.

Mabel ran to their direction and hugs Raven and Dipper.

"Omg! Guys! You have to tell me how the date went!" Mabel said, shouting. She started jumping up and down. "That's Raven's job, right, Rave?" Dipper replied while putting an arm around Raven's shoulder. "Yeah, I guess. Come on Mabel!" Raven giggles and formed a portal and was going to step in, but I stopped them.

"You are not telling her your date... without me." I said pointing to myself. I walked to them and said, "You boys start to talk too, okay?" I said and smiled at Bill. He gave me a thumbs up.

"Sure, beauty. Just dont keep us waiting, or we'll invade your freakin' privacy." Bill stated.

We ran to the portal. We are now on the rooftop.

"So, girl! Tell us the details!" Mabel squealed. "Details! Details! Details!!" I chanted. "Yeah, yeah, so we started walking to this clearing in the woods, and it was a beautiful scenery I must say." Raven said dreamily. "Oi, love struck much? Story first, dude." I said, nudging her shoulders.

"So we sat there for a while to get to know each other better, we held hands-" "AAAAAHHH, OH MY GOD! RAVEN SOMETHING HAPPENED RIGHT!" Mabel shouted. I squealed for the first time in my life. I agree with Mabel.

"Yeah, something happened..." Raven answered while nodding her head. I keep nudging Raven's shoulder and shaking Mabel. "THEY KISSED!" Me and Mabel said together in unison.

"Yeah, so after we hung out in the clearing, we went to the mall, ate, and bought ice cream! That's all." Raven finished. "I'm so jealous! I haven't got a date since I'm 12! Now I'm 16 and almost turning 17!" Mabel said with a sad face and tone, but soon smiled. I patted her back. "Its okay, Mabel girl! Let's just wait for the right time! And do you know boys prefer dating when they're 18?" I said, comforting her. She gasped.

"Really?!!" She said with a big smile on her face. "Really, just look at Bill, he asked me out, but he's already 20, and I'm 18." I replied. "But you're demons! You're 18,000 for reals now!" Mabel exclaimed, throwing her hands out in the air.

"You know what I mean." I said then smiled at her. She hugged me, and I hugged back. Raven joined. "And plus, who can resist your adorableness and prettiness?" Raven said.

"You guys are the best of friends I could ever had! And also Candy and Grenda." She said, parting from the hug. We all got down from the roof and went down to the living room. We saw the two boys high-fiving each other. I cleared my throat, catching their attention.

"We're back boys." I uttered.Bill floated to me and kissed me in my cheek. Even from the two months I still get flustered and blush. Dipper came beside Raven and puts an arms around her shoulders. "So, how'd the talk go?" Dipper asked. "It was alright, and some drama was included but it was fine." Raven answered. Dipper smiled.

"How 'bout the plan, Bill?" Dipper asked.

"What plan, babe?" I asked in confusion.

"We've been planning a double date when you girls were gone, you in?" Bill asked with a smirk.

"How about Mabel?" Raven asked.

"I'll be fine here, I'll hang out with Wendy." Mabel said.

"Mabel, you're coming with us. We're going to look for your date." Dipper said, going beside his twin. "Seriously?" Mabel hoped. "Of course Shooting Star." Bill answered. Mabel hugged Bill and Dipper. "Thanks for not leaving me behind guys!" Mabel exclaimed then parted from the hug. "Okay, let's get changed, we're leaving in 15." Bill said, and the others left and ran to the attic. I was left alone with Bill.

"Dipper and Raven already had their date a while ago." I mentioned, looking at Bill. He looked back and smiled. "He was the one who planned it, besides, we didn't experience how fun a double date is with a chaperone." He said. "You always have everything planned." I said. "Well I'll go change. Be right back babe." I said before heading to the attic.

Bill's POV

"Well, I'll go change. Be right back babe." Snowflake said while waving. I nodded in response.

I haven't told her about the presence that I felt when we were alone a while ago. It was new. And it's like the presence was so familiar, then when (Y/n) left, it also disappeared. I'm not dumb enough to know that the new presence was a demon.

Meanwhile, elsewhere:

????'s POV

I got all the information about them and the new girl here. I must go back to my masters this instant.

(Time skip)

"Do you have info?" My master said. "Y-yes m-master." I answered. Ugh, why do I stutter a lot!? "Well, tell us. And have you seen your alternate version of yours?" His twin said. "Y-yes m-ma'am, and he's w-with a n-new g-girl." She did not like what she heard, because she brought her dagger out and threw it on the wall.

"Do you know this girl, dear?" She asked, standing up from her chair. "N-no, I d-do not," I answered, my head down.The twins looked at each other, then back at me. "You didn't get all the information, demon! Back to your cell!" The male twin said. I walked fast to my cell and hugged my knees and curled up in a ball, crying. Then my cell door opened, revealing the girl twin, with a machete in her hands, followed by the boy twin with a sword. I cried more, because of my fate.

"We're going to have fun. Do you agree dear sister?"

"Oh yes, brother dearest." The female twin replied.

Well, there goes torture.

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