СӉѦթҬЄГ 31- firestorm

141 3 7

Song/s of the chapter:

'Feel Invincible' [ Skillet ]
'Monster' [ Skillet ]
'Drag Me Down' [ One Direction ]

3rd Person POV

Bill froze, his eye looking at the girl in front of his feet, coughing violently.

His mind played everything that had happened, even the events during his spellbound state. From when he secretly came to Reverse Falls to inform Will about his prediction and request to assist (Y/n) when something will happen to himself, when Stanford Gleeful used Will's power to stun him, when Bella casted a spell on him, up until this time.

And as the memories played around his head, his rage grew more and more explosive. His breathing hastened, his senses finally acting up as adrenaline started coursing through his veins.

"Snowflake?" Bill says in a hushed tone, though the girl still heard him. She slowly looks up, only for Bill to instantly kneel in front of her tired figure and gaze at her with his normal eye. Well, (Y/n) saw it as normal. In reality, it was slowly turning red from delirium. "Shit, I'm fucking sorry, I didn't fucking know what I was doing!" He spoke as he cups the female's face with both of his gloved hands, and it broke him to see the visible mark on (Y/n)'s neck and the tears threatening to spill from her eyes.

"I'm just glad you're b-back, Bill." (Y/n) releases a small smile in relief, even though curious as to what brought his boyfriend back to his senses.


With that, the demon's eye turned bloodshot, along with his outfit. Tyrone and his sister were beyond furious as well, but seeing how Bill reacted to Tyrone's call, both of them knew what was going on.

Bill wasn't under their control anymore.

(Y/n) stared at her boyfriend as he started floating off the ground, an insane grin plastered on his handsome face. The female sighs as a smile casted on her physiques as well.

Now that man, was indeed her boyfriend.

"ұҼֆ, ₥ΩֆҭҼԻ??"

Bill's voice became fully demonic: deep, husky, and threatening. The Gleeful twins, even Bella, stood dumbfounded at the creature ahead of them. Immense fear struck the twins as Bill slowly maneuvered his way towards the both of them. Before Mabel G managed to talk, a portal appeared a couple of meters to her right. (Y/o/n), Will, Mabel, Paz, and a newly-regenerated Dipper walked through the hatch, glaring menacingly at the antagonists. Bella was there as well, but this time, blue chains wrapped around Raven's body, restraining her.

"Wait, Bill's back?!" Mabel asks loudly, beaming as Bill sent her a toothy grin even though she immediately grew scared after seeing him in a raging state. "I never left, Shooting Star." He replies before turning to the main villains once again.

"ї ċαή'ŧ ώαїŧ ŧŏ šээ ЪŏŧЋ ŏךּ Ỷŏŭř їήšїđэš."

The Gleeful twins flinched as the bi-haired demon disappeared from their sight. (Y/n) stands up and saw Bill turn up behind Mabel G. Bill growls as he sends a hard blow on the oblivious female's back, successfully making her tumble on the ground. Tyrone grows astonished before instantly casting a barrier in front of him right before Bill's flaming fist came in contact with his face.

"Guys, get Raven!" (Y/n) orders while pointing at her ravenette cousin on the ground, bound with enchanted chains. Bella laughs; she knew everyone's capabilities from the start, even (Y/n)'s and (Y/o/n)'s power difference. She knew who really is much more powerful, but decided not to tell.

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