СӉѦթҬЄГ 26- Don't Fall For Holograms

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Song/s of the chapter:

'Human' [ Christina Perri ]
'Walls Could Talk' [ Halsey, Nico Collins ]
'Cake' [ Melanie Martinez ]
'Believer' [ Imagine Dragons ]

(Y/n)'s POV

"What the--"

My body gets thrown to a cold wall, green chains instantly going around my wrists as they held me up from the ground. I hissed as I felt the pain surge through my body. "You'll be right here forever. Enjoy your stay, sweetie." Tyrone tucks my hair behind my ear as he shows me an evil, toothy grin. I scoffed, staring right back at him.

"Enjoy your time existing too, hon. 'Cause I won't make it last."

He slaps me again, the sound bouncing off the walls of the cell I'm in. "One more talk from that pretty mouth of yours and I'll punish you." Tyrone licks his lips as he peers at my own. "Stay quiet and I won't have your mouth somewhere you don't want it to be." He says, before leaving me alone.

As soon as his footsteps faded completely, I sighed. In relief and frustration. I looked at the glowing chains wrapped around my wrists. I tried using my powers, but it was no use. I can't even float.

"(Y/n)?" I heard a weak voice call my name. I turned my head to the right to see three other figures chained to the wall. Silver bars separated my area from them. Our source of light here was the single light bulb hanging in the middle of the whole room, so I had to squint my eyes to be able to recognize the stranger calling me.

"(Y/n)? I-is that--" My eyes widened once I found out who the person was.

"Dipper!" He coughs out blood, his hands also tied above his head by the same glowing chains. "It's me, (Y/n)! What happened to you?!" I whisper-yelled, not wanting the beings upstairs to hear our conversation.

"They... beat me up u-until they m-made me t-tell the exact location of the portal." Dipper clears his throat as he tried looking me in the eye. He looked so worn out, with dried blood on some parts of his head and clothes. It seems like they found out about his abilities.

"The chains are p-preventing me from regenerat-ting." Dipper sputters out, his voice coarse from lack of water.

I'll definitely castrate the Gleefuls for this.

"Hang tight, Dip. Mabel and Pacifica are still knocked out?" I asked him as I gestured to the two figures also chained beside him. Dipper hums as a respond as he hangs his head low.

Soon, footsteps erupted from the floor above us. My gaze hardened at the doorway of this room once the footsteps started heading this way. My heart beats faster once the figure entered the room.

I began to grow scared for some reason unknown as he opened my cell.

I watched Bill as he walks forward, and stops right in front of me.

"Bill?" I questioned, hesitant. His bi-colored orb came and met mine. That's when I noticed the soulless look in his eye.

"I suppose you're having fun hanging here, toots!" He raises his hands lit with his blue fire. My heart hoped that everything he did a while ago was a bluff to trick the enemy, but no.

He used his magic to tighten the restraints on my wrists, to the point where it hurts when I move them. I flinch at the stinging sensation inflicted on my wrists.

"Bill, stop this, please." My vision blurred as tears clouded them. Despite that, I found myself looking at Bill. He smirks evilly as the chains tightened more.

"I don't take orders from a meatsack like you." He stated, the tone of his voice different from what he used on me. "It's been a while I've watched demons suffer. It sure is funnier than when humans do!" He chuckles maliciously as he walks away, leaving me cringing in pain because of the enchanted chains holding me up.

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