c̷h̷a̷p̷t̷e̷r̷ 13- The Dream

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Bill's POV

We teleported to the Mystery Shack because we wanted to rest before going playing in the arcade. I sat beside (Y/n) on the couch and put an arm around her. She sighed heavily and leaned onto me. I stroke her hair and admired how smooth they were.

I tried to read her mind.

'Should I tell him? No, it'll sound weird, just keep it to yourself, (N/n).' She was talking to herself. I smirked.

"Better tell me now, Snowflake. No running now." I chuckled. She punched my shoulder. "Damn it! I told you not to read my mind!" She said while pouting.

"Come on, tell me. I'm gonna tell you something in return if you will~" I told her, wiggling my brows. "Fine." She said giving up.

"I Love You, Bill Cipher." She said, snickering. I grunted. "What, you don't love me back? How rude." "Of course I do, doll. But that's not what you wanted to say. I know it." I pulled her closer. "Seriously? Don't force me, mkay? Just promise me you'll always stay beside me," She responds. What makes her think I'll leave her?!

"I don't know. Maybe you'll like power more than me. Who knows, maybe you'll just dump me when you're already the king." She said. Obviously, she read my mind.

"You read my mind first." "That's the second time, Snowflake." "Haha, I know."

"Guys! Its so boring! I wanna go already! Or lets train first!?" Shooting Star squeals. "Yeah, sure. Let's go train." Pinetree follows his twin. "Yeah! It's been a while." His girlfriend utters. I looked at Snowflake who already stood up and now running to the door.

"Training! Training!" She chanted outside. We ran outside too, and saw she's with demon spawns. "Don't worry! My father has a lot back in hell!"

"Let's kill 'em!!!" She shouts and shoots the one charging at her. "I wanna hit the head!" Shooting Star charges at the other one. "Let's go Dipper! Who kills the least will get dares from me!" Raven yells. "And me!" (Y/n) hollered.

And with that, she made more opponents appear. "Let the games begin! Haya!" She shouts and made a sword appear out of nowhere and sliced the head of 5 dummies. With one sword stroke. Damn. She's so badass. Glad to have her mine. She's all mine. No one can take her away from me.

I teleported beside her and shot other opponents.

"Hey babe. Wanna have a deal?" I asked her, a smirk tugging from my lips. She raised her eyebrow. "What's the deal?" She asked back. I chuckled.

"If I kill more bullshits than you, we're gonna do something together tonight. If you kill more of these shitheads than me, make your own punishment. Deal?" "Tch. What are we gonna do later?" "Secret, dollface." "You do know secrets can kill right?" She uttered.

"Okay. Where'd that came from?" I quizzed. "Oh nothing. Just a title of a book I read. No biggie. And the deal? I'm in." She said with a cheeky grin. I smirked.

"No way its happening pedoface! I will win this!" She says and transformed into her 'over-drive mode' form. I don't know why she has it, but its her. That's why I love her.

"Yo Bill! Watch your back!" I heard Shooting Star's voice. I whipped my head and saw a red demon about to cut my head off. I floated quick and chopped its head off. 'That was close.'

Time Skip: 20 minutes after training

"Ha! I win! Beat that, suckers!" I said, victory in my hands.

"Oi, you cheated!" Pinetree stated. "Pft, like I care." I muttered. "I heard that!" Snowflake said from behind me. "Of course you did! And you have a punishment from me! Ahahahahha!"

"Shut up. And what is your so-called 'punishment'?" She said, walking over to me while air-quoting the word 'punishment'.

"You'll see later~" I whispered to her. Her eyes widened.

"Fuck you Cipher!" She blurted. I laughed. "That's for later, sweetheart. And you have to tell me something!" I said, smirking.

"Ooh! Tell us, (Y/n)! Yah keepin' a secret?!" Shooting Star tackled (Y/n) to the ground. She chuckled nervously. That thing she keeps on her head must be bothering her.

"What is it (Y/n)? About those pair of Gleefuls? Those little shits..." Raven mutters. I just chuckled.

"Did you just read my mind? Literally?" (Y/n) eyed her cousin. "Nope. You just had that 'I wish they're dead' face. And I know you want the reverse twins dead, soooo..." She replies. "Ooooh, feisty (N/n)~" Shooting Star nudges her best friend then hugged her quickly.

(Y/n)'s POV

I stood up from the ground with Mabel. "Let's go in the shack please. I'm tired." Dipper walks to the porsh of the shack and opens the door. We followed him and we all sat on the couch.

"So, Bill. Remember the time when I woke up and cried? I might of..had a..nightmare? I don't know-" "Babe, I know you did. What I didn't know was your nightmare itself." "So it was a nightmare. Fuck that shit." I mumbled the last part.

"So I dreamt about the Gleeful twins, taking over this dimension. Mabel and Dipper, I don't know where they were went. Raven was locked up in some kind of cell by (Y/o/n). Will was crying, as usual. And as for B-bill..." I stopped my sentence and looked at them. They had those 'I know where this is going. I'm just not sure yet' faces. I giggled and floated off the couch. "Oi! Finish the story." Mabel said trying to grab hold of my arm. Tried.

"I think that's for another time. As long as I informed you about that crazy dream." I chuckled nervously, not telling them the most important part of my dream. I also left out some details because I have a feeling something bad will happen if I tell them everything.

"Well, lets just hope that it was only a dream." Dipper comments. "Why'd you cry?" Mabel asks me. I sighed and inhaled sharply. "You're not the one who had the dre-" "Because she's scared of losing me. Ain't that right, Snowflake?"

I was about to reply, but I wanted to cover it up. I don't want to let him know what pathetic shit happened to him in my dream.

"Why would I be scared of losing you?"

"Oh, I know you are. With or without reason."

'Fuck you Bill.' 'I said that's for later.' 'What does that suppose to mean?!' 'You'll see.'

"But there's a chance that it's not a dream." Raven suddenly spoke. I slowly turned my gaze to her, with frightful eyes. "Please don't tell me it c-can be a vi-" "It can be a vision." "Oh come on! My sentences are always cut!"

Raven and the Pines twins looked at me. I put on a fake smile. "Well, there's still a chance that its not, right?"

Raven nods. I looked at Bill, who looked like he was in a deep thought.

"Bill. Bill? Bill! Are you okay?" "Yeah. I'm just worried about us. Stupid dream." He cursed under his breath. "For now, why don't we go to the Dreamscape to discuss this further?" Bill suggested. "Sure/Yeah./Sounds awesome!" And with that, Bill snapped his fingers and we were all transported to his mansion.

'Bill's worried. He cursed the dream. Does that mean it's a vision of the future?! Shit.'

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