c̷h̷a̷p̷t̷e̷r̷ 9 - 'It's in the Family Blood...'

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Bill's POV

"You think their the demons I was talking about?" (Y/n) questions, hovering above the floor. Llama stared at her in shock.

"You're gonna regret doing that to me Llama." I threatened, lighting my hand with blue fire. I looked at Raven who has a black fireball with her. Llama looked behind her to see Pinetree and Shooting Star. Shooting Star has her hands glowing a bright pink, and Pinetree has his eyes glowing blue.

"So will you be so kind to tell us where the exit of mansion of yours?" I asked even though I know where. Llama grunted.

"So be it." I said while rolling my eyes. I snapped my fingers and we were out of the mansion. We were in front of the portal going back to Gravity Falls.

"Well, that was fun." Shooting Star commented. "Ha, I know." Snowflake followed. "It was nice meeting my counterpart, she's nice." She added.

"How's Will?" I asked. "He has his eyeball missing. But no worries, I fixed him." (Y/n) releases a small smile.

"Was he crying like he usually does?" I teased, then snickered at the end. "Yeah, he was. Because he had an eye missing." Pinetree snapped.

"Why would our counterparts do that? Will was so helpless!" Shooting Star exclaimed.

"I know sis, and like what we said before, they're our counterparts. We're nice, and they're not... just that simple." Pinetree answers while comforting his twin.

"We'll continue this talk when we get back to our own dimension." (Y/n) says, holding my hand. I looked at her then smirked.


"You made the first move again."

"Isn't that normal in a relationship?"

"Yeah it is." I answered with a sly smile.

We stepped through the portal and we arrived in Gravity Falls main.

"Bill, how did Mabel Gleeful make you asleep?

"It was Stanford. He lent Llama his amulet which contains some of Will's energy." Bill answered.

I nodded.


(Y/o/n)'s POV

'That was really something.'

"(Y/o/n)! Why the hell were you with those assholes? And Will go back to your cell or I'll make Dipper do it!" Mabel shouted. I grunted.

"Y-yes, M-miss Mabel." Will answered. He was about to snap his fingers but I stopped him. "You'll go back with me." I said with a smile.

"You don't tell him what to do!" Mabel barked, her brows creasing together.

"You don't tell me what to do! I'm older than you! And just because you think you're more powerful than me doesn't mean you're the boss of me!" I spat back. She grasped her amulet and made me levitate off the floor. She had Will in green chains.

"Did you just talk back?!" She screamed. The force around my neck got tighter. I can't die like this, so I'm doing this.

"You really think you're powerful, huh?" I mumbled as I used my powers to throw her to a wall. She lets her amulet go before crashing to the wall. She grunted in pain.

"Mabel Gleeful, you don't know me! You see me as your regular cousin but I'm more than that! I'm more powerful than Will for fuck's sake!!" I raised my voice as I made her levitate this time, a white smoke surrounding her. She panicked and thrashed around.

"I'm the princess of all demons! And if you're smart and powerful, you should know that by now!"


(Y/n)'s POV

We walked back to the shack. Bill intertwined his fingers with mine. After a few minutes of silence, Mabel talked.

"Do you think they have the power to go here and seek revenge?"

We all stopped walking. I looked at her.

"Why do you think that dude?" I queried. "I don't know. Just came to my mind." She replied. Bill and I switched glances.

"Don't have to worry about that, best friend! We're all immortals here. We can take them all! We have the most powerful demon by our side!" Raven said, putting an arm around Mabel. Mabel smiled. "Yeah! We're immortals, who can go against us?" She boasts then levitated.


Mabel G's POV

'She's a demon?!'

"Yes I am, and you can no longer boss around me or Will!" (Y/o/n) said with pure hatred. I shrunk in fear and covered my face with my hands. Then Tyrone walked in the living room.

"What happened?" He asked, not aware of what occurred a while ago.

"Nothing happened, so go away! I'm busy here!" (Y/o/n) shouted at him. This got my brother furious. He maneuvered and summoned a green fireball, now in his hands.

"You dare talk back to me, mortal!?" He shouted and shot a fireball at her. She caught it with her bare hands, which surprised my twin brother.

"I-impossible!" "Oh, it is when you're a demon." (Y/o/n) responded.

"S-sister?" "I'm afraid it's real, brother." I immediately replied. He sighed heavily.

"Now, I don't want you pathetic excuses for little shits treating me and Will like garbage, understood?!" (Y/o/n)'s eyes went from (e/c) to bloodshot red.

I shrunk in fear.

"O-okay. You got my word." I responded. Her eyes went back to normal. "Just treat me and Will like a sibling, and nothing will go wrong." She stated before walking away with Will. I noticed Will's fingers intertwined with (Y/o/n)'s.

"Brother, I think they're a thing now." I mentioned, enough for my brother to hear what I just said.

"WHAT?!" He whisper-yelled. Then I pointed at the two's hands. His face turned red and stomped to his room. I followed him. "Now that we have three demons by our side we can move our time table a little bit." Dipper says. I smirked.

"Very well then, brother."


Bill's POV

Here we are, resting in the living room of the shack, watching useless shows. Then I heard my girlfriend grunt. "What's wrong babe?" "I think boredom's eating me alive." She replied.

"Wanna go to the Dreamscape?" I asked them.

"Yes! / Okay. / If Raven's going, I'm going. / I'm going." (Y/n), Shooting Star, Pinetree, and Raven replied.

I snapped my fingers and we all arrived the dreamscape.

"What are we supposed to do here?" Snowflake asked.

"I can use some shooting games right now." Raven said.

"Shooting games it is then." I said, making a rifle appear in my arms. I saw Pinetree's face go 'what-the-fuck-is-wrong-with-you'.

"Don't worry, you can use bulletproof gears if you want." I shrugged. Snowflake made a Pecheneg appear, and it landed on her. Shooting Star and Raven used the same gun. Pinetree used the same gun as mine.

I snapped my fingers and Shooting Star, Pinetree, and Raven were wearing bulletproof suits.

"Boys versus Girls!" Shooting Star cheered. Then she ran with the other two girls. Pinetree sighed heavily.

"We'll catch them." I said then ran after them.

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