СӉѦթҬЄГ 28- Stay Strong and Fight

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Song/s of the chapter:

'Pacify Her' [ Melanie Martinez ]
'This Little Girl' [Cady Groves]
'Me and My Broken Heart' [ Rixton ]

[ D A Y  F I V E ]

(Y/n)'s POV

"Will you need anything else, miss Roth?"

"You've done enough for today, Will. Go so they won't notice you're missing." I stated, sending the blue demon a small smile before he teleports somewhere else.

"You okay, Rave?" I turned my head to the left and checked the cuffs wrapped around her wrists. "Yeah, I'm fine." Raven replies.

"What if something happened to the others?" Mabel asks, her voice hushed. Dipper turned to look at his twin, also worn out. "No... Gruncle Stan and Great Uncle Ford are with them. T-they would know what t-to do." He reassured Mabel.

"I'm not used to being this away from Gid for a long time too..." Pacifica spoke up with a sad tone. "Don't worry, Paz, we'll see him soon." I sent her a small smile to somehow lift her spirits up. The atmosphere grows silent, giving me time to think of backup plans and further adjustments to our formed ones.

Before I ask Raven something, a loud sound from outside made its way to my ears. The ground below us rumbled, then abnormal voices from somewhere in this building started cheering.

"They... already broke the barrier." My eyes widened at Raven's statement.

"What?!" Mabel raised her voice. "(Y/n), we have to get out of here! Everything will go out of hand if we stay here any longer!" She reasons as I think over my decisions again.

"No, we're staying here. We'll get out, but not now." I stated, sighing afterwards. "We should wait until their guards are fully down before we break free, okay?" I watched Mabel as she uncomfortably attempts to move around with the chains still holding her arms up.

"Dipper? How are you holding up?" I questioned the almost pale teen in the other cell. He weakly lifts his head and gave me a small smile. "I can still m-manage, (N/n). D-don't worry." I frowned a little because of how hoarse his voice was from dehydration.

"We have to figure out how to fight once we get out of these." Raven suggests, making the chains around her wrists make a sound. I nodded before I stared at the dirty ground below me. My cousin's right, we have to at least form some sort of attack to somehow immobilize them or keep them occupied just in case Gruncle Ford needs more time to manage everything.

After a few minutes of silence, the door to this room was suddenly bashed open, revealing the devil twins with the yellow demon.

I scowled; the very sight of them makes me want to throw up.

"Now you're going to tell us something... better participate well or else I'll end your pathetic excuses for lives right here." Tyrone goes inside. I felt his eyes on me as I let my hair cover my face.

"Where are the others?" He asks, standing in the middle of our cell. Neither Raven nor I answered. I secretly rolled my eyes as I silently cursed him and his sister.

Like he'll get something out from us.

3rd Person POV

The male Gleeful creased his eyebrows together as frustration started building up in his insides. His hands curled into fists as he stomped towards the female to his left.

"I'm aware you know something, you bitch." He growls as he grabs a fistful of (h/c) hair in his hands. (Y/n) stares back into his eyes with hate and disgust.

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