СӉѦթҬЄГ 33- Solace?

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[Guys, I suggest you read the note at the end of this chapter!]

Song/s of the chapter:

'Criminal' [ Britney Spears ]
'Tongue Twister' [ Cash Cash feat. Bim ]

(Y/n)'s POV

'It's finally over.'

Once the feeling of assurance and security began to sink in, my entire body felt like it was burning. I collapsed on the ground as an excruciating pain former in my head. My skin returned to their original (skin tone) complexion. I could feel a heart beating inside my chest again, and I hyperventilated because of the lack of oxygen. I only noticed the difference of my demon form and my mortal form just now.

I groaned in pain as I looked at myself, seeing my clothes from before slightly tattered.

"(Y/n)!" The Pines twins were coming my way, both of them on the verge of crying. I smiled weakly at the two despite the massive headache I was having.

"Are you okay?!" Mabel tackles me down with a hug, followed by her twin. Another figure also fell on top of me before a mop of blonde hair covers my eyes.

"WE DEFEATED THE GLEEFULS HOLY SHIT!!" Paz cheers as she hugs the three of us in joy. "FINALLY, THEY'RE GONE FOREVER!"

I snickered, before we all sat up from our current position. "(N/n), demon you looks so badass!" Mabel started floating as she threw her arms in the air. "Yeah, I never knew you could do that!" Dipper smiles at me.

"Wait, Dipper did you eat already?" I queried, and I raised my eyebrow when I see his expression contort into something undescribable. "No. I'm super hungry right now, I could feel my gastric acid actually breaking my stomach down."

I giggled at his sentence but hissed as the pain from my head worsened. "W-where's Bill?" I asked. Dipper turns around for a few seconds before facing me again.

"He and Raven are dealing with Bella and Stanley." The boy replies.

Once my headache subdued a little, I had Mabel to assist me in standing. I felt so worn out; I didn't know transforming took so much energy from me.

My eyes caught Mabel G's sliced face. I shrugged, she did deserve that after all.

The four of us went to where the others were. Bella and Stanley were tied together with enchanted chains in the middle of a magic circle. Stanley was unconscious, while Bella was unresponsive. She was just looking at particularly nothing on the floor.

A portal suddenly opened in front of us, and out comes Gruncle Stan and Great Uncle Ford, carrying something unfamiliar, with Will and (Y/o/n) trailing behind the two.

Bill was back to his original form, but he still had the same dangerous aura surrounding him. He snapped his fingers, and the circle glowed a bright yellow. Bella and Stanley howled in immense pain, before I saw Great Uncle Ford aim the gun-looking object at the two in the middle.

"I'm gonna open the dimensional gate, Sixer. Make sure to hit the center after I drop them." Bill says in a serious tone. Great Uncle Ford nods as Raven made him levitate so he can get a better aim of the center of the circle. "On your count, Cipher."

Huge gusts of air began swirling around us once Bill snapped his fingers again. I had to hold Paz, Mabel, and Dipper so they wouldn't get blown away.

And like he said, Bill dropped the two inside the dimensional gate.

"Now!" With that, Ford pulls the trigger of the machine he was holding, releasing a highly electron-charged substance that was enough to distort the atoms keeping the portal stable. He successfully hit the target, causing the void to instantly close and the dust surrounding us to settle.

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