СӉѦթҬЄГ 21- Starting Point

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Song/s of the chapter: ----

(Y/n)'s POV

"Still didn't change..." My voice trails off as I stared at the waterfall. "I thought the Gleefuls might have modified it or something, but I guess not." I added.

Bill, Raven, Mabel, and I were inside the dark cave again, standing in front of the small waterfall that's hiding the portal to the reverse dimension.

"Shall we?" Bill floats forward first, going through the falls. I went next, followed by Raven, then Mabel.

"It's night here." Raven declares. I nodded in agreement before all 4 of us started walking forward and out of this cave. Once we were out, a gush of wind hit our figures, complementing the dark night. "They're probably asleep, don't you think?" Mabel queries, stopping on her tracks. "It's still worth the shot, though." I replied, shrugging my shoulders.

"Let's go through here." Bill snapped his fingers, opening a portal in front of all of us. A rundown shack came into view once we stepped inside. "This is similar to our dimension..." Mabel gawks. "I wonder how Pacifica here acts. I hope we get along." She added.

"Yeah, I just made a stop here since I wanted you all to see the outside. They're inside, so we're going in." Bill uttered, opening other portal. "Are you sure they won't be frightened?" "Of course they will be. But don't worry about that, Snowflake." I just raised an eye brow on my boyfriend before he disappears in the vortex. Mabel and Raven followed, and I was the last one to enter.

The room we're in was very bright, I had to squint my eyes for them to adjust to the lighting.

"Bill Cipher?!" A male voice exclaims.

A white-haired boy, around 16, was in front of a scared-looking female. They were both terrified, so I'm guessing they know Bill already. But do they know us?

"Star and Falling Star. Seems like you both know me already." Bill mentions, stepping forward.

"What is that Gleeful doing with you?! And (Y/o/n)?" The blonde female asks, her figure behind the boy. "What? Me? Gleeful? Hell no, I'm a Pines!" Mabel defends herself, crossing her arms to emphasize her words. "And I'm not (Y/o/n), I'm (Y/n)." I introduced myself, sending them a small smile.

"What the--" "Fuck, can't you just calm down for a second and let us explain why we're here?" Everyone in the room shut up after Bill's question.

"Didn't you meatsacks notice anything strange from the Gleeful twins?" He queried, eyeing the white-haired male and blonde-haired girl. The boy calmed down a bit, and tapped on his chin. "We don't know. We didn't want to see them even from the distance, so we kept ourselves hidden from them." He answers.

"Your name is Gideon, right?" Mabel suddenly asked, the albino-haired boy nodding shyly. "And I'm Pacifica! You can call me Paz, though." The girl behind him waved, grinning. Mabel and I looked at each other before turning to them.

"What are your last names?" I asked.

"Mine is Pines, hers is Southeast. We're cousins." I nodded my head slowly, taking in the new information. "Nice to meet you both." I smiled, attempting to fully calm them down. The two of them nervously smiled, still shaken up by the fact that they have a dream demon and potential supernatural beings with them.

"Uh, c-can I know the main reason why you're here?"

"It's because those Gleeful twins are planning an ambush on the main dimension. And we have a missing person." Bill responds. Gideon's eyes grew wide after what Bill said, and grabbed a familiar book from under his bed.

Ah, so he kept a journal like Dipper too?

"Going to other dimensions for a long time can cause your body harm... I m-mean, they have slight powers, but that's enough to last them at least 10 hours." Gideon reads the antique-looking book in his hands. "(Y/o/n) is a demon too, and it's no doubt she's helping the twins." Raven talks, floating in the air.

"Wait, you're (Y/o/n)'s opposite, right? So does that mean you don't have powers?" Paz spoke, directing her question to me. I just shook my head to the sides gently before eyeing her. "I have my own powers. Hers is really weak compared to mine." I replied.

"All we know is that Stanford Gleeful found some way to separate Will's energy from him and divided it into unequal halves, the larger half being used by him. And since then, the Gleefuls are the most 'powerful' here in Reverse Falls." Gideon shuts the journal close, walking to the foot of his bed and sighs.

"They've only caused trouble here though, we didn't like how they treated other teenagers and adults." "Yeah! One time that Mabel bitch almost pushed a mother and her son towards a cliff just because of the mother not recognizing her!" Paz exclaims.

'That's harsh.'

"So it's no question that you hate them, right?" I asked. The two of them looked at each other before nodding. "Very much."

"Why? Do you need something?" Gideon tilts his head to the side.

"We're going to need your help." Mabel was the one who spoke this time. "My twin is captured by them and we don't know where he is right now."

"Well... we'll try and help. Just tell us what you want us to do." Gideon beams, adjusting the cap on his head. "Yeah!" Paz throws her hands up in the air.

She really reminds of Mabel.

"Wait, are those... beads on your hair?" Mabel inched closer towards the Southeast, squinting her eyes as she moved. "Uhuh! I managed to put them there and make them look decent. You like it?" Mabel squeals as she holds the blonde's hair. "I fucking love it!"

"Calm down, Mabes." I chuckled.


Time skip: 1 hour later

"Well that was exhausting." I mentioned, my body colliding with a mattress. We were back in the Shack, and it was already afternoon after our visit in Reverse Falls.

"I really like Pacifica Southeast! We have lots in common!" Mabel claps her hands and lies down on the other bed.

"I'm going to have to go there again later." Bill suddenly said, my figure sitting up because of it. "What for, babe?" "I have to deal with something there. I can go alone, so don't worry." He holds my hand and kissed the top of it. "Are you sure you don't want me to go?" "You can rest for now, Hun. I'll be back shortly, anyway." He smiled before giving me a peck on the lips. "So don't worry about me." He added.

"I fucking ship you two so fucking hard!" I heard Mabel say, her voice going higher as she spoke. I just chuckled and answered a simple "We know".

"Ah, Snowflake, I need to talk to you." Bill tugs on my hand, making me stand up from the bed. I nodded my head as a response. "We'll be right back, okay?" Raven and Mabel showed a thumbs up before Bill teleported us to the rooftop.

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