c̷h̷a̷p̷t̷e̷r̷ 18- Immaturity

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(Y/n)'s POV


It hurt me to see Mabel tear up because of her brother's condition. I sighed and went to hug her.

"We're sorry Mabes. We really can't find him anywhere around the mansion. We seriously tried to." I explained. Her uncles were also with us in the living room, frowns on their faces.

"But we won't be stopping here." Raven spoke up, grabbing Mabel's attention.

"We'll try again. Until we find him." She finishes. The teenager in my arms wipes her tears away and nods.

"What did you see there anyways?" Stan questions us suddenly, a pizza in hand.

"Nothing important. We found some spell books in their living room, nothing more." I replied, shrugging.

"If they're not in the mansion, where could they be? Where did they bring Dipper?" Ford taps his chin. I didn't notice a journal in his hands until now.

It doesn't look familiar. Seems like it's new.

"Gruncle Ford, you have a new journal?" I quizzed. He looked at me and smiled a little.

"Indeed, (Y/n). But I'm making the cover a bit different from my past journals." He responds, now holding the new book up. The cover was blue, with a golden six-fingered hand displayed on it. It was quite unique, and I like the color.

"What are you putting in there, Sixer?" Bill talks, sitting up from the love seat he was sitting on.

"New information that we've acquired through the past months." Ford simply replied before setting the book down gently. "I've also put the things you told me about 'Reverse Falls'." He air-quotes 'Reverse Falls'.

"Wait... Holy shit... I noticed something on the books in their mansion!" Raven suddenly blurts out. I darted my eyes towards her, curious of what she was going to say next.

"There was a girl's image in one of the books in their living room... she almost had the same features as this dude, but she was feminine." My eyes widened slightly when she gestured towards Bill.

Now we have a girl looking like him? What the fuck?

Don't tell me we also have an actual human. Not demon. A human Bill Cipher.

"Wait what? You saw what?" Bill's eyes also had a shocked vibe in them. "Your girl version." Raven stated.

"Bella?" I stared at him, my eyes narrowing. "Who?" I folded my arms on my torso, waiting for an answer.

"Bella Cipher. She's me from another dimension."

I nodded in understanding.

"Seriously? How many dimensions are there?" Mabel finally speaks up.

"If you really wanted to know, there are 123,095."


"Raven are you serious?" I gawked at the new information.

"Why wouldn't I be?" She shrugged her shoulders.

"But why would they have that girl's picture with them?" Gruncle Stan brought us back to the original topic.

Come to think of it... he has a point.

"Looking for other help." My vision settled on the yellow demon.

'Why the fuck would they need help?'

"They have a plan. Those two little pieces of shit never brought any good to anyone." Bill stated, scoffing. My gaze trailed down to the ground. "What could be their plan? Why would they need another demon?" I questioned out loud. The others were silent, most probably thinking about it too.

"Well, if they needed a powerful demon, they must be up to something big... Maybe they wanted to build something? Hypnotize? Fight someone?" My eyes went large. My head snapped towards my boyfriend's direction, his vision also settled on me.

"What do you mean 'fight someone' Gruncle Stan? I mean, I'm sure they have a lot of enemies, but why fight just now when they could've done it earlier?" Mabel sits down on the sofa as she spoke.

"I don't know, but as long as it doesn't involve us, then I don't give a shit about it." Gruncle Stan replied, taking another sip from his can of soda.

"Bill, what if it involves us?" My forehead crinkled in worry. All of a sudden, Bill's eyes suddenly went cold.

"They're planning to attack this dimension." He declared.



"How did you know?"

"I just pictured their mansion's living room. Beside that book where Bella was, are words that clearly stated their time table." His voice went an octave lower, slightly intimidating me. I could also see the unsettled look on Mabel's eyes.

"What did it say?" Bill responds to Uncle Ford by putting his hands up, making a holographic image in front of all of us.

My eyes ran down the picture, both of them narrowing.

"That's just so immature." Raven comments.

"That's their business. They're fucking immature and they'll do everything to get what they want. If I was on their side, I'd be proud. But no," Bill sighs. I saw a glint of red on his eyes before he blinked. "I won't let them destroy this dimension." He uttered, the image disappearing.

"And I thought you hated this place." Gruncle Ford shut his journal close, folding his arms on his chest. I also glanced at Bill, who had a small smirk etched on his face.

"Come on, if they'll control this universe, then most likely they'll control the others. Including those who I own. I won't let that happen. And plus, this is my dimension, so it's my territory." His smirk grew wider.

"Well, your 'dimension' will be no more if we don't act now." I licked my lips as I thought of the things we should do first.

"It's happening soon. They're planning to execute their plan in 5 days." I added.

"I'll go and get some weapons done downstairs. Stanley, come with me." Uncle Ford got up from his seat, followed by his twin as they went down to the basement.

"Good. They're picking up..." Raven had a ghostly smile on her lips as her outfit suddenly changed.

"I'll cast a spell around that falls in case they try coming here any time soon." She opened a portal and walked through it, disappearing from our sight.

Bill and I had a small staring session before the both of us looked at Mabel.

"Mabes, train yourself for the mean time, okay? So we can retrieve Dipper sooner." She nods, standing up from her chair and walking somewhere else.

I sighed. I didn't know what I should do. Or I didn't know if what I will do is right.

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