СӉѦթҬЄГ 30- dominion

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Song/s of the chapter:

'The Phoenix' [ Fall Out Boy ]
'Wolf in Sheep's Clothing' [ Set It Off ]
'Look What You Made Me Do' [ Taylor Swift ]

3rd Person POV

"I thought of something so we can escape here. But I'm going to need your help, Will." (Y/n) talks, catching everyone's immersion. Will nods shortly, stepping closer to the cell to listen to what (Y/n) had to say.

"I'm assuming these chains are holding our powers back, but outside forces can still have their effect on these." (Y/n) states as she looks up to catch a glimpse of her restraints. "Those twins really underestimated us... they're exactly what I assumed them to be: fucking stupid." (Y/n) chuckles as she made the comment.

"Will, this is where you come in. You'll have to tend to Raven's chains until they fully break," the blue-haired demon nods at the girl, "but you'll have to do it little by little so they won't notice any differences."

"How about yours, (N/n)? And the three?" Raven asks. "I'm going to find a way to break these chains on my own. You're going to be the one to deal with the trio's. We don't know for sure if destroying these chains are a piece of cake or not, so it's possible that doing so may take up Will's energy since he doesn't have all of his powers." Raven nods her head at her cousin's answer.

"We'll have to pretend that all of those are not happening so the twins and Bill won't notice anything." (Y/n) turns to look at the three inside the other cell, them looking at her too. "Can you guys wait for a little longer? Are you gonna be okay?" She questions them.

"We can handle it, (N/n)." Mabel smiles a little as she answered. Pacifica beside her nodded her head. "Yeah, I'm fine with the plan."

"Dipper? Dipper are you okay with it?" Raven queries, causing the lad to stare up at her. "I'm fine w-with it, Rave. Don't worry."

"Can you start trying to do it now, Will?"

The Gleeful twins stared at Raven in shock, seeing her out of the bounds on her wrists. Raven floats above the ground and pushed Bill away from her cousin.

"H-how... How is this possible?!" Tyrone yells in frustration as he too activated his own powers, along with his twin. Mabel G blasted first, but she missed and hit the wall instead. Raven's skin turned from a pale complexion to a blood red as another pair of eyes appeared under her original ones before becoming black. She releases a growl before pouncing on the twins.

Unfortunately, she wasn't able to reach them because the yellow demon hit her with his own fireball. "Raven!" Dipper calls out as she saw the girl hit her head on the concrete floor.

"Snap out of it, you fucking demon!" Raven's original voice was laced with another demonic tone that didn't belong to her. And for the third time, the girl saw the demon's eyes flicker a bright yellow before going back to a greenish-blue. Bill threw another energy ball at her, but she dodged it in time.

"Cipher, what the fuck! You're not supposed to be with them, you're supposed to side with your girlfriend, you idiot!" Raven tried to bring the real Bill back with her words, but nothing happened, he just attacked. "You're one pathetic demon if you let those shits mess with your head!"

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