Chapter 4

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Grace's POV (Serena's Mother)

I open the door to my house after a long, heard days work. 'Thank Arceus it's now the weekend.' I think to myself, dropping my leather handbag on the kitchen bench. "Serena! I'm home!" I yell into the quiet abyss that fills my home while waiting for a response from my daughter. "Serena?" I yell again this time with a hint of worry in my voice as I start to make my way upstairs to her bedroom where she is most likely to be.

*Knock *Knock

I begin knocking on her closed bedroom door waiting for permission to enter.

*Knock *Knock

I begin knocking again with real concern. "Serena honey? Are you in there?" I ask through the door only to hear a faint crying noise in response to my question. "Serena, are you ok?" I ask knowing that she is indeed on the other side of the door. "Serena, I'm coming in ok?" I say in a soft voice to try and sound comforting to her. I open the door very slowly and peek my head inside to see if I could catch a glimpse of my daughter but the room was to dark to see anything.

"Serena?" I say softly while opening the door more letting myself in the dark room and closing the door behind me. I switch on the lights but what I see next is something that no mother should ever have to see in their lives and seeing it immediately bring tears pouring out my eyes in absolute horror and shock!

"OH MY ARCEUS, Serena what did you do?!" I begin to raise my voice still in disbelieve at the sight I was witnessing. I walk over to the bed which was at the back of the room and had my baby girl on it welding a knife and fresh blood drops scattered across the bed sheets. I stop a few steps away from the bed with my eyes fixed on my daughter who was covered in self-inflicted cuts across her half naked body. She was only wearing her bra and underwear and had tears falling from her eyes and fresh blood running down her body. Luckily to my relief it seems she hadn't gotten far into her work, only being able to inflict small cuts to her arms.

"Serena darling, please put the knife down." I said softly still taking in the situation that I was being faced with. "You don't need to do this to yourself sweetie, let me help you." I continue to take small steps towards her, stopping when I hear the voice of my daughter through her tears.

"NO MOTHER! I'm useless there is no reason for me to be here. I'm fat, I'm a slut and a whore! Everyone hates me and no one cares about me!" She says bringing more tears to my eyes as I hear those words through her own crying. "Serena... You are none of those things." I begin to say in a caring tone trying to calm her sown. "Serena, someone has gotten in your head. Everything they have told you isn't true." I continue while moving myself to sit on the side of the bed.

"Serena, please give me the knife. I care about you, I love you." I say reaching my hand out hoping for her to give in and hand over the knife. I begin to look deep into my daughters eyes seeing depression, guilt and sadness in them as more tears begin to fill them and Serena drops the knife onto the bed, pulling bother her hands onto her face and begins to cry.

I quickly shuffle over to my crying daughter, embracing her in a comforting hug while moving the knife away from her so she doesn't try to pick it up again. "Ssssshhhhh... It's ok Serena, I'm here, it's ok I've got you, let it all out." I say in a soothing tone while slowly rubbing the back of her head while she cries into my shoulder.

We hug for a good 5 minutes before she pulls back from the hug with red eyes from her crying. "Now how about we fix you up, ok?" I say while whipping the last tear off her cheek as she slowly nobs in agreement. We head to the bathroom and I begin to clean up all the blood off my daughter using a wet cloth which caused her to whimper in pain as I clean her cuts.

"I know it hurts darling, but I need to clean them so they don't get infected, ok?" I explain to her trying to comfort her with another short hug. "Serena? Who said all those lies to you?" I ask being carful not to bring up too much of the topic up. "J-Just people at s-school..." She hesitantly answers while another tear runs down her cheeks.

"Serena, you know those things aren't true. You aren't any of those things, infact you are the opposite of everything they have said about you." I begin to explain hoping to try and make her feel better. "Serena, you are not fat, you haven't eaten a proper meal in weeks and I'm now beginning to see your ribs. And you certainly not a slut or a whore because you are still a virgin." I continue disproving all those thing that they said about her.

"Y-Yeah... Your r-right..." She says with her head facing the ground. "It's ok honey, I'm going to call the school so that this won't happen again ok?" I say giving her my solution in preventing this from happening again. She looks up at me still depressed and just lets out a small nod in agreement and walks out of the bathroom to bed.

'What am I going to do?' I ask myself knowing that things a getting worse and worse. Serena never really fit in at any school, this is her third school she was moved to. Both as a result of people bullying her. 'What he needs is just someone other than me to love and care for her, to show her that she isn't any of those awful thing that people say she is.' I think to myself as I sign while walking you to my daughter who was now sound asleep in her bed.


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