Chapter 29

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Hey Guys! I'm sorry for not updating in... what's has it been like almost a week?
The reason why I haven't updated in a bit is because A: I was sick. And B: I came up with an idea for a short story and began writing that... and well it turned out 3x longer than one of my normal sized chapters! And it took me 3+ days to write.

ANYWAY!!! That's not important anymore because it is time! Time for what you ask?


Ash's POV

It is now the final period of the school day. Calem hasn't bothered me or Serena during the lunch time break nor has he tried anything to get back at me. Come to think of it I haven't even seen him since the whole Assembly incident.

Ever since then I haven't seen him anywhere, but I haven't been able to go without hearing about that event from other students. Although I don't care what anyone thinks anymore as long as I am with Serena, I couldn't help but think about some of the comments that I have received.

"YOU LYING BASTERED! HOW COULD YOU DO THAT TO CALEM!" An angry looking girl says snapping me out of my thought while trying to charge at me but was being held back by her friends which was good for my sake because she had a murderous look in her eyes.

I signed at another one of these hatful comments, to be honest I thought that more people would believe me over Calem but I guess that his word is still stronger than mine.

"Pika..." Pikachu says from my shoulder trying to defend me as sparks of yellow electricity become visible on his cheeks.

"Easy buddy, there is no need to pick a fight." I say holding Pikachu back to try and avoid and unnecessary fight that I knew that if I got involved in would only work in Calem's favour.

"We are not who Calem says we are." I add causing Pikachu to calm down as he realises what starting a fight could potentially mean or lead to.

"Pikachu." He responds in a soft and calmer voice, accepting defeat. I handed him an apple to keep him occupied so that he wouldn't try to pick anymore fights. Although I knew he was only trying to defend me, this is one of those situations where I am in no position to fight back as it will only strengthen Calem's points.

I feel a grip tighten on my hand as I walk next to Serena through the halls with all eyes fixed upon me, there were looks of both hatred and disgust as well as looks of respect and appreciation.

"Serena it's okay, they won't hurt you." I reassured while pulling my girlfriend closer to me so that our bodies were touching and my arm safely wrapped around her skinny waist for comfort.

Serena rested her head against my shoulder as we walked, her gentile, honey blonde hair sheltering her from eye contact from all of the eyes that stared upon us as if we were some sort of Aliens.

'Great, just want I needed. It's only my second day at school and I am already considered to most as an outcast.' I think, but it doesn't matter to me because with Serena, outcast or not, I'm a hero to her and that is all I could ever want. As long as Serena is happy I don't care if Calem has his way and gets the whole school to hate me, as long as she still has a smile on her face.

He finally reached the cafeteria where we had planned to catch up with the group. Serena's grip had loosen upon entering though she still had a firm grip on me I could tell she was beginning to become a bit more relaxed now that not every pair of eyes in the whole school was upon us.

"Hey Serash! Over here!" Dawn yells causing me to look over at her as she waved at the table that the our group was sitting at, though I couldn't help but shake my head while cringing at the name.

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