Chapter 15

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Ash's POV

"So how are you enjoying life at school buddy?" I ask Pikachu as we wait next to Serena's locker for her to get her lunch. So far we have had Maths, which wasn't too bad, Pokémon Biology, which I found to be really easy. Maybe because I have had so much experience with Pokémon on my journey, and we just finished History. History was a little boring, we are learning about Arcues and his impact on the world. Of course I have witnessed first had what Arcues is capable of when I travelled back in time for the whole 'Jewel of Life incident'. So obviously both me and Dawn are finding that class quite easy.

"Pika-chu!" He responded with a bright smile on his face to show me that he is indeed enjoying school. 'I swear he has got to be the only person in the world who finds school exciting.' I think to myself wondering how he could possibly be enjoying school?

The sound of Serena's locker closing snaps me out of my thoughts and I turn to see if she is ready to go.

"Ready to go?" I ask her giving her a happy smile.

"Y-yeah..." She responds shyly. I did notice that she did seem rather nervous or stressed for some reason but I choose to ignore it a tell Serena the good news.

"Hey Serena, guess what?" I say in an excited tone to try and lift her spirits but it didn't seem to work too well because her scared frown was still on her face.

"W-what?" She asked not even having a guess at what I might say. I guess it makes sense now that I think about it. Calem has spread terrible lies around the school causing the entire school to hate her and now here she is hanging out with me and I'm trying to make it look like that there is nothing wrong when clearly there is.

"Well my old friends from when I was traveling across the different regions have asked to meet up with us at the cafeteria." I say. But as soon as the words leave my mouth I knew she wasn't going to like that idea because they have probably believed Calem's lies.

"And don't worry I will show them that you are not what Calem has told the school you are. Once I tell them what he is doing to you they will understand." I say putting my arms on Serena's shoulders causing her to lift her head up from facing the ground to look into my eyes.

"A-are y-you sure?" She asked while staring into my eyes.

"100%! They are good people and you are a good person too." I say giving her a reassuring smile. She instantly wraps me into a tight hug and puts her head into my chest.

Serena eventually breaks the hug so that we could go and meet up with everyone. Knowing that she is still scared and shy I place my arm around Serena's waist bringing her close to my body as we walk. She didn't seem to have a problem with it, as a matter of fact when I glanced over at her to see if she was ok with the position we were in I saw a small glimpse of that rare smile I love so much.

When we walked into the cafeteria I immediately saw Gary waving from his table signalling us to come over. I look at Serena and she looks back at me with worry and fear in her eyes, I just give her a reassuring smile and told her that I promised that I would look after her I intend to keep that promise no matter what my friends think of her.

When we arrived at the table I immediately recognised everyone but when they looked at me with Serena in my arms looking at the ground shyly they automatically had a look of anger and surprise on their faces and that's when I knew that they had fallen for Calem's lies.

"ASH! GET AWAY FROM HER! SHE IS BAD!" Dawn and May yells without any hesitation which is weird for those two because they are normally the friendlier ones of the group.

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