Chapter 12

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Serena's POV

After that really awkward text conversation with Ash's Mum Ash ordered pizza for use. I was really excited, I hadn't had a meal pike pizza in a while. But for some reason a feel like eating. Also I couldn't help but like my mind drift to what Ash's Mum had teased him about and that thought made my cheeks begin to heat up.

I was still lying on Ash's lap while he ran his hands through my hair. And I have to admit I really enjoyed it. It made me fell special, it made me feel... loved.

Me and Ash rested on couch for several minuets on the couch in silence until Ash decided to break the silence.

"Am I really your first ever friend?" He asked curiously slowing his strokes through my hair as he made eye contact with me.

"Y-yes... I have n-never really had a f-friend b-before." I explain to Ash as bad memories started to fill my head but they were immediately driven away by what I thought was because of the warmth and safety of provided by Ash. 'Is it because of him that these negative feelings don't have as much of an effect on me anymore?' I ask myself remembering not being able to cry for as long as I normally would and how fast those bad memories left my mind.

"Well then I'm honoured to be your first ever friend." He said giving me a heart warming smile.

"I guess I-I never had a-any f-friends b-because... t-they didn't w-want to get involved w-with my... s-situation." I explained to him why I believed the reason for not having any friends was, but I also thought it was because no one wanted a friend who was this depressing, fat and ugly.

'There are those thoughts again, reminding me just who I really am.' I think bringing a frown on my face as water beginning to build up in my eyes but I held them back.

"Well if you ask me, they are crazy to not wanting to be friends with a sweet and pretty girl like you." He said while giving my body a bit of a push so it rocked from side to side to indicate he was referring to me.

My mind was automatically filled with his kind words and they seemed to fight those negative ones out of my mind. The water in my eyes that were once going to be used for crys of sadness started to flow down my face but as tears of happiness.

"W-why are you crying?" He asked consern while using his free hand to wipe the falling tears off my cheek and just stared at my with a smile.

"You know, crying really doesn't suit you." He said while cupping my cheek with his hand which I automatically lean into felling the warmth of his hand flow onto my cheeks. We just glaze into each others eyes until-

*Ding *Dong

"That will be the pizza." Ash says breaking eye contact and removing his hand from my cheek which kind of upset me.

"Do you mind sitting up so I can get the door?" He asked polietly. I give him a weak nod and started to lift my head up with the help of Ash's hand escorting my head upward so it didn't fall back down.

Once I was off his lap Ash got up and left the room to get the pizza, picking his wallet off the ground next to his backpack which was still a mess thanks to Pikachu. Being alone by myself was awful, I wanted to be back in Ash's care a desire that was still relativly new but was very strong. Pikachu had left one Ash's shoulder so I had no one with me just like almost every night of my life was until my mother came home.

I didn't make a single movement while he was gone, just letting my thoughts take over me. 'See he left you! No one cares for you!' My negative thoughts began to return "No he c-cares... he will be back." I say out loud having an argument with my own mind.

'If he cares than why did he leave you by yourself? He only helped you because you helped him first, he is just returning the favour. And once he is done he is going to leave you!' My negativity was starting to get the better of me now. I didn't have Ash's protection to drive them away and now they were using this opportunity to strike.

"STOP! He cares... h-he's m-my f-friend..." I yell trying to get the thoughts to stop as tears started to fill my eyes and began to run down my face.

"Serena!" "Pika!" I hear Ash and Pikachu's voice entre the room as he comes rushing into the room with a pizza box in hand.

"We heard you yell stop and we came as quick as possible. What's wrong?" He asks as he places the pizza box on the coffee table in front of the couch and sits next to me.

"Why are you crying?" He asks conserned as he places his hands on my shoulder turning me so that I am facing him as I contiuned to cry.

"Serena, I can't help you if you don't tell me what's wrong." He say seriously. I couldn't contoll myself, I jump formard into his chest and just let all my emotions out while as wrapped me in a heart warming hug.

He comforted me for a few minuets letting me settle down so that I could explain to him what was wrong.

"Serena? What's wrong?" He asks again, this time I have to composure to speak.

"T-they came b-back." I said while trying to hold back more tears.

"Who? Who came back?" He asks sounding confused.

"T-the b-bad thoughts... t-they said t-that y-you w-would leave m-me... t-that you d-didn't care anym-more." I managed to explain before more tears started running down my face and Ash pulled me back into a tight hug as I placed my head back into his chest.

Ash pulled me out of his chest and put his hands onto my shoulders. "Serena, I would never do that. I would never leave you and I won't ever stop caring." He said with a serious facial expression to show that he meant every word he said.

"P-please... n-never l-leave..." I manage say while staring into his eyes.

"Promise." He began to say. "Now how about we eat that pizza, you look like you could need it." He says giving my stomach a pat while he gives me a cheeky grin.

Me, Ash and Pikachu began to eat the pizza and I had to admit that it tasted pretty good. I hadn;t eaten anything like that for a while now and I kind of enjoyed it.

I ate about 25% of the pizza which was pround of considering I don't normally eat at all. Pikachu ate the same amount as me while Ash ate half of the pizza which surprised me. I didn't think he was an eater but I guess he is.

"H-hey Ash?" I asked breaking the silence while he took the last bit of his pizza and then looked at me.

"T-thanks a-again... for eveverything." I say while lying back down and lowering my head back onto Ash's lap and close my eyes not to fall asleep but to just enjoy being close to Ash.

The thought of being with Ash made me blush causing me to think. 'D-do I have a crush on Ash?'


Well there you go. I guess you can say that positive really does beat negative :D

Well at least in this book it does...

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