Chapter 18: Special

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Thanks again guys for 1k reads and 100 votes! Here is the special chapter that I said I would do. I hope you all enjoy 😊


No One's POV

Serena sat patiently waiting in the arrival area of the Kalos Airport just watching as the seconds on the her watch tick by. To Serena each passing second filled her with more excitement as second after second she could feel herself getting closer to him once again.

Serena would often have people come up to her as she waited for the incoming flight, asking for autographs and pictures with her as any fan would. Serena was use to it though, after receiving the title of Kalos Queen and accomplishing her dream she had become rather popular throughout not only Kalos, but also other regions as well.

Though Palermo had told her on countless occasions that she needed to blend in better and hide her identity in while in public for security reasons. But Serena didn't like the idea of hiding herself. She always wanted to make people smile, and if people seeing her in public made them happy and smile then that's is what she would do.

It had been a week since she had seen her beloved boyfriend, though she understood why he had to leave. Being the Kalos Champion carried some big responsibilities that he needed to fulfil and unfortunately the uprising of another organisation that at first seemed to minor for the Kalos Champ to be involved in, had quickly grown into a matter of great priority when they threatened to execute their world ending plans. And of course the safety of Kalos is high on the list of his responsibilities which Serena fully understood his reason for having to leave.

Serena anxiously looked at the flight information board to find out the status of his arriving flight. After a bit of searching she found his flight. She read it impatiently, only taking the details that mattered like the flight number, time of arrival and the flight status.

Though the only thing that had changed regarding his flight was that the status had changed from landed to unboarding. But this small change only excited her more knowing that the time to reunite with the love of her life was nearing.

Serena raced over to where he will be unboarding with a big smile full of excitement and joy. She didn't stop running ignoring all the people who would whisper or with the look that clearly said "Hey? Isn't that the Kalos Queen?" Or "What is the Kalos Queen doing at the airport?"

Once she arrived at the right gate her big smile had turned into a look of concern and worry as she noticed that everyone had already gotten off the plane and had left leaving the waiting space at the gate just about empty.

Had she missed him? Had he left without her? All these questions filled her mind as she felt her heart slowly begin to fall apart causing her to lower her head to the ground in disappointment.

"Serena?" Said a male voice that just by saying her name caused her to turn around faster than a Quick Attack in one final ray of hope.

In front stood a man wearing a blue collared shirt with short sleeves, dark blue jeans and a red and white hat and had his Pikachu resting on his shoulder.

"ASH!" She just about yelled with tears of joy running down her face as he ran towards her boyfriend who held out his hands signalling her to come and give him a hug.

The two embraced in a long, tight hug that neither wanted to stop. Serena's smile returned and it was now bigger and brighter than ever as Ash held her close to his with his hands holding onto her tight and she did the same.

The two continued to hug for what felt like forever to them before breaking the hug only to get lost in each others eyes.

"You know... I didn't think it was possible for you to become more beautiful but I guess I was wrong." Ash said breaking the silence between them, causing her to blush at his complement as he cupped her cheeks and gave her a quick peck on the lips knowing that they were both in public.

"Ashy... please not in public." Serena said, slightly giggling at her boyfriends action as he gave her that smile that had always managed to melt her heart and this time was no exception.

The couple took Serena's car home with her personal driver behind the wheel and the couple in the back seats so that they could talk and catch up with each other. Ash told Serena all about what happened at Sinnoh and how every champion from each region was there to stop the world ending threat.

After an hour of driving they finnaly reached their home. Ash and Serena lived together in a resinably big house in the forest with all of Ash's Pokémon away from everyone. No one, not even Palermo nor the Elite Four knew where they lived and thats how they wanted it to stay. The only person who knew the location of their house was them, their Pokemon and Serena's personal driver.

After saying Goodnight to Serena's driver Ash swooped Serena off her feet, carrying her bridal style into the house as Serena just giggled at his actions and looked at awe at him with a big smile on her face.

Serena always was happy around Ash but since he had left Serena had felt rather empty like somthing was missing in her heart and something was, that something was Ash and Serena knew that the very second that they hugged at the airport. When they hugged she felt whole again. She felt a missing piece of her heart be put back into place when she saw him again and that missing piece fitted perfectly into the jigsaw puzzle that was her heart.

Ash placed the giggling Serena down onto their couch before kissing her passionately. Serena was a bit shoked by his sudden action but it didn't take her long to figure out what was going on as immediately kissed back with just as much passion as she had missed him so much. She had missed his loving kisses, his caring attitud towards her and his sweet and heart warming complements.

The two contiuned to kiss passionately before a lack of oxygen forced them appart but it was only able to hold the couple apart for a split second before Serena jumped up onto Ash while pressing her lips against his showing him just how muched she missed him.

"Serena?" Ash said inbetween kisses casuing Serena to pull back to let Ash talk. Though Ash had a happy smile on his face Serena was till a bit worryed what Ash had to say that would interupt their moment.

"Is something wrong Ash?" Serena asked with great concern in her voice knowing it wasn't like him to inturupt their moments.

"Yes... But its a good thing!" Ash said still with his heart warming smile which was enough for Serena to believe that what he had to say was a good thing.

"Serena... When I was away I felt... empty. Like there was something missing from my life, like a big piece of my heart was missing. And after reuniting with you today I have relised what was missing. It was you... Serena." Ash said causing tears to form in Serena's eyes as she comprhended what he just said.

"Oh Ash, I felt the same way. I love you so much and I can't stand to be away from you." Serena said letting her feeling out as a few tears ran down her cheeks.

"I love you too Serena. But being apart from you made me relise that I my life wouldn't be complete... without you in it. And that is why I need to ask you something." Ash said getting off the couch and kneeled down in front of Serena casuing her to put both her hands to her mouth while she gasped at what she thought Ash was doing.

"Serena Yvonne... will you marry me?" Ash said reaching into his back pocket and opening a small, black container with a beautiful diamond ring in it.

Those words filled Serena with never before felt levels of joy and happiness and the ring he had got her was the most beautiful ring she had ever seen. Serena could no longer hold back any of the excitement and happiness she was feeling anymore.

"Yes! Yes I will marry you!" She said, jumping into Ash's arms as she pressed her lips against his to give him the biggest and happiest kiss that she could possible give knowing that she had accomplished her other dream. Becoming the wife of Ash Ketchum.


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