Chapter 9

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No ones POV

Ash, with Pikachu on his shoulder and an injured Serena in his arms continue their silent walk with the occasional voice from Serena softly instructing Ash to her house. They have been walking for about 5 minutes and Ash began to relies that the street Serena had instructed him to take was the same street of which he lived. Ash couldn't help but wonder if she lived in the same street as he did.

The thought of living in close proximity to Serena made him blush a little bit. Serena could tell that Ash was in thought by the way his eyes focused on what's in front of them and how his pupils didn't move an inch.


Serena's POV

'Wow... His face is so cute.' The thought came into my head without warning as I stare at his bright chocolate coloured eyes with my own eyes struggling to stay open. Half of me really wanted to just fall asleep peacefully in his arms and enjoy the soothing warmth of his body against mine. But I knew that I needed to stay awake so he knows where he is going.

I continued to look at his face remembering every small bit of detail until my eyes catch a quick glimpse of Pikachu who had a small smirk on his face and his eyes looking striate into my own. I immediately began to go red at Pikachu's smirk knowing the he probably caught me staring into his trainers eyes. I quickly tried to hide my blush into Ash's chest but soon realised that we were approaching my house.

I tried to get Ash's attention by softly saying his name but he was too deep in thought to hear me. I weakly moved my arm up towards Ash's face but stopped at his shirts V-neck and used almost all of my remaining strength to start tugging on his shirt to get his attention.

Slowly Ash began to snap out of his thoughts and looked down at he with his soft brown eyes staring into mine causing me to begin to softly blush.

"W-we are h-here." I manage to say still sating into his eyes. I tried to break eye contact with him but I couldn't, it was like I was in a trance. I couldn't look away.

Soon Ash freed me from the trance. Stoping at my house and turned towards it. "This your house?" He asked wanting confirmation that this was the place. "Y-yeah." I softy say letting my head turn to face the my home.

He takes me into my house using the spare key Pikachu had received from me telling him that there is one under the pot plant. Once we entre my house Ash walks over to the couch and slowly and gently put me down onto it.

I felt the warmth and safety being in Ash's arms provided slowly leave my body as he let go of me. And to be honest it kind of made me sad as it felt so right to be in his arms and I kind of enjoyed it.

"There you go." Ash says snapping me out of my thought causing me to glaze into his chocolate eyes once again.

"T-thank y-you." I say weakly while shuffling my body a bit to get into a comfortable position on the couch.


Ash's POV

"No problem, I did say I owed you one." I say giving her a toothy grin.

"Anyway, considering my house isn't just a bit further down the road and you seem to be all good. I will leave you to rest up. I say thinking that there is nothing more for me to do here and that my job was done.

I turn around was about to begin walking towards the door when I felt a soft, gentle hand weakly grab my wrist. I turn around and look down to see Serena's hand slide down off my wrist showing that she didn't have much energy left in her.

"P-please s-stay..." She says weakly while her hand falls down dangling beside the couch.

I fully turn myself around and lay eyes on the Serena. 'Man I can't leave her like this. She is too weak of state to take care of herself.' I think to myself knowing that she needs my help.

"Ok Serena, I'll stay with you." I say giving her a reassuring smile while moving her dangling arm which she used to grab my wrist back up to her placing it onto her chest with her other hand.

"T-thank you..." She managed to say before her eyes slowly began to close themselves and her eyes move to face so that it is facing the ceiling and quickly began to fall asleep.

I sign as I watch her peacefully fall asleep. I slowly move myself over to the other couch just left of the one Serena is sleeping on and sit down with Pikachu jumping onto my lap and curing up into his sleeping position and fall began to fall asleep himself.

'Don't worry Serena I will take care of you from now on. I promise.' I promise myself while looking over at Serena. I watched her sleep for a few seconds and couldn't help but wonder why her? Why would anyone want to hurt her?

I turn my attention to a black remote on the coffee table in front of the couch. I slowly grab it and turn on the TV making sure turn the volume all the way down so that it wouldn't wake Serena or Pikachu as I began to watch it to past the time.


And there you go. Sorry if this chapter was shorter than some of the others. But I feel like the events that happened were make up for it being a bit shorter :)

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