Chapter 36

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Ash's POV

After waving goodbye to Serena I continued on my way home. It isn't a long distance to travel as my house is only like 5 or 6 houses down and on the opposite side of the street compared to Serena's.

I could still feel a bit of heat occupying my cheeks from what I would presume was from my little stunt before saying goodbye to Serena. I liked- no loved that feeling, the feeling of our love being connected in such a way that it is almost impossible to bring us apart. The feeling of warmth and the taste of her strawberry lips is enough to make me feel like I'm in heaven and I am when I'm with her because she is my little angle.

Though this feeling of happiness was quickly washed away by a moan of pain the escaped from Pikachu's mouth who I noticed was only just now showing how much pain he was really in. I knew that he didn't want to show his pain to Serena or the enemy because Pikachu doesn't like to be seen as weak but even show what he put himself through to save Serena was more than I could have ever asked him to do for me.

"Pikachu are you okay?" I ask while removing the now slouching Pikachu from my shoulder and placed him in my arms so that he could relax with ease while I would carry my best buddy home.

"Pika." He responded weakly while nodding ever so slightly. It didn't take a genius to figure out that Pikachu had took an abnormal amount of damage and was in no condition to even speak without the essence of pain taking over his tone. But the major stand out was defiantly his body which was littered with scratches, cuts and just all around visible signs of the fact that he had been battling hard which he had.

Pikachu and I didn't speak for the remainder of the short journey home but I knew my mother wouldn't be as quiet as us. She has probably been worrying herself crazy as to were I am. In fact I'm willing to bet that there isn't a single hair on her head from all the stressing out that she has probably been doing.

"Home sweet home!" Was the faithful words that I spoke to break the silence as I put one foot onto at the entrance to our home. Taking a deep breath in to calm myself down a little as I swear I could still feel some of the adrenaline still coursing through me as a result from todays events which I shouldn't really be surprised now that I think about it. It was just another evil organisation that I took down. You know, just another ordinary day in the life of Ash Ketchum.

 Using my left hand to open the door while my right kept Pikachu safe in my arms, I managed to open the door and before I could even step inside my mother voice pierced my eardrums as she yelled. "ASH KETCHUM WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!"

'Oh come on! I haven't even got inside yet!' I mentally yelled before taking my first step inside while my mind begins to wonder and prepare myself for what is mostly likely going to come. But I quickly ignored what my Mum will have to say as my mind concluded that treating Pikachu was priority number 1!

Upon entering the main room I am immediately 'greeted' by my Mum who still has her hair intact so she mustn't have been stressing too much then.

"ASH! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!?" My Mum yells before embracing me in a motherly hug without noticing an injured Pikachu in my arms which she soon became aware of once yelps of pain from Pikachu fill the house.

Mum quietly jumped back, releasing me from her hug as she looked in shock and worry upon realising Pikachu's condition. But she then seemed to lake a better look and me and a look of almost fear took over her face as she raised her hand to cover her mouth.

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