Chapter 31

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Hey Guys! I'm sorry for not updating as regularly as I once did, but since school started up again it has become harder and harder to update this book as it doesn't take me some time and effort to write chapters for you guys.
But! I haven't abandoned this book for those who may have been loosing hope!
I still plan to update at least once a week at worst.
Anyway I hope you all understand and without any further hesitation... lets get right into the review... I mean chapter!


Ash's POV

Silence. Nothing but silence filled the empty street where I had lost it all, my best buddy and the one I hold closest to me... the once who I can proudly call my other half without split second of hesitation or doubt. But now they are gone. Gone because I was too slow to react, gone because I let my guard down, gone because... because I wasn't strong enough to save them.

Many emotions could be felt at this moment. Sadness, regret, anger, guilt, devastation and of course heartbroken. I felt them all, they formed the spear that stuck my heart, piercing my skin as if it were nothing more than glass hitting the ground, venerable to the hard surface that it hit.

And my heart was like a gift, ribbed apart to get to the items inside. The valuable item inside my heart is Serena. Calem ripped open my heart to get to her, and now... my heart is nothing more than the wrapped box that once held her with such care and safety. But now the gift is gone the box, well the box is useless now. Without the gift apart of it is no longer a present that brings smiles upon those who see it. No, now the box is nothing more than a colourful box that has been torn open and soon to be thrown away as it has no purpose anymore.

My head was bowed in defeat, guilt controlled me, I couldn't save her... maybe if I had just been stronger I could have stopped them. But I was weak, I hesitated and now Serena will pay the price for my actions while I have noting but regret and guilt.

'No, no I can't give up! Serena needs me now more than ever!' I tell myself, if there was ever a time to follow my own words it's now! 'Don't Give Up Till The Very End!' I can't give up, not as long as there is still a beat left in my heart.

"TalonFlame! I choose you!" I say while releasing the fiery bird Pokémon from its pokeball with a new found determination.

"Talon!" The fiery bird says while spreading its red wings to hover gracefully in the air while awaiting commands from me, I could tell by the look in TalonFlame's eye the he knew that something must have been wrong.

"Flame?" TalonFlame speaks with a concerned tone and a worried face.

"I'm alright, but Pikachu and Serena aren't. They have been kidnapped and I need your help to find the black van that took them." I explain to the fiery bird while trying to hide my devastated emotions that filled my shattered soul.

TalonFlame nods his head before flying off down the street where I had pointed because that is where I heard the van drive off.

I watch as TalonFlame's body becomes smaller as the distance between us lengthens. I begin to walk on the road in search of any signs of tire marks that make have been caused from the vans rapid exhalation for its get away.

Something catches my eye, a half eaten apple lying in the middle of the road. I pick the apple up off the road and examine it like a detective would to try and solve a mystery.

'Pikachu.' The name pops into my head upon realisation that this was the same apple that Pikachu was eating before Calem showed up. But something puzzled me, the location of the apple is too far away from the attack location which means that either Pikachu threw it at the van to try and stop them or he gave chase to the van and dropped the apple my accident.

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