Chapter 14

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Before I start this chapter I have some things I want to say.
Firstly, WOW! When I finished Chapter 13 I had just over 80 reads. Then I come on to respond to some comments and I see that the reads has jumped to 315! So THANK YOU!

Secondly, if you haven't noticed I have had a name change. AJJ2016 ---> MinunAmour.
This is because my old name was just my initials and the year I joined Wattpad so I could read books here. BUT... now that I am writing I decided I needed an actual name :)

Anyway that's all I wanted to say! I hope you enjoy this chapter :)


Ash's POV


"5 more minuets." I sleeply mumble with my eyes not wanting to open and nor did I want them to. I was still so tiered from yesterday from not getting much sleep on the plane ride, then having to go to school, then having to look after Serena. Which I'm not complaining about I'm just saying it would be nice to actually get some sleep!


'Wait... that's not my alarm clock.' I begin to thinking to myself.


I admit defeat and open my sleepy eyes and began to look around remembering the I was in Serena's room. I then turned my head to see Serena in the same position she was when I fell asleep which was with her head leading happily against my shoulder and her arms around me and with a small smile plastered on her cute face.


I immediately turn my attention to the direction that the noise was coming from. Thanks to small rays of sunlight coming through window I was able to find my vibrating phone placed on a small pokeball-designed table in the middle of the hot pink, painted room.

"Pikachu... PISS! Pikachu!" I loudly whisper not wanting to wake Serena but loud enough that Pikachu's senses sould pick up on it. "Pika?" Pikachu slowly respond sounding tired as he opened his eyes to see who was calling him.

"Sorry for waking you buddy, but can you hand me my phone? I kind of can't move." I shoftly explain to Pikachu my situation. He just slowly nobs and jumps off the pink beanbag and onto the table grabbing my phone and attempt to read the dreadful texts that had caused him to have to awaken from his peaceful sleep.

Pikachu after finishing reading just rolled his eyes at the texts making me wonder what they said. He then ran up to me handing me my phone.

"Thanks buddy." I quietly say while opeing my phone to check the time. "It's only 6:30am. So you can go back to sleep buddy." I said to Pikachu who didn't hesitate to jump back onto the beanbag and go back to sleep.

I unlocked my phone with only 1 failed attempt because I was doing it left handed because my right hand was wrapped around Serena and moving it might have woken her up. I opened my messages and saw an unknown number.

???: ASH!!!!! You didn't tell me you were in Kalos!

???: Ash! I know you are there!

???: Answer your flippen phone!


'Really!? This is why I had to get up!' I said to myself kind of annoyed that I had to get up for this.

Ash: Who is this? And how did you get this number?

???: HE LIVES! And I am deeply offended Ashy-Boy that you don't remember me!

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