Chapter 32

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Serena's POV

The door to the van rattled violently, it was clear that is was about to open and my hell would continue. I don't know if I should be scared, angry or simply worried not only for my own sake but for the unconscious Pikachu who risked it all to chase down this van. I know that if anyone of those Team Flare guys or even Calem get the slightest glimpse of him then what could become of Pikachu will be nothing short of torture.

I know Calem, I know how he operates, I know his torturing techniques. Calem knows how to inflict as much pain as possible upon his victim without knocking them out. And no one will no that better than me... a shy, insignificant soul that's only purpose is to mess things up, to make life worst, to destroy your life... like how I did with Ash's. He was fine before he meet me and now look! His Pikachu will most likely be tortured, his heart might possible be shredded into a million pieces and all because of me.

"Open the van, everything is all set up." A powerful male voice speaks from outside the van. 'What do I do? Please Pikachu wake up! I need you.' My mind begs but Pikachu's eyes a glued shut. I know what I need to do, Pikachu risked his life for me and I am not going to let them get to him.

I stand up with Pikachu in my arms, I know I need to hide him but where? Normally it would just be as simple as putting him in a pokeball but Pikachu hates his pokeball and Ash has it anyways so thats out of the equation.

'Maybe I can hid him in my school bag?' I think before I hear the latches of the van begin to open. I react quickly, this needs to work or they will see him. I stuff Pikachu into my pink bag, surprised that he actually fitted but then again I did kinda force him in there.

Light shines into the interia of the van making my pupils dialate to the sudden change in light levels before 3 men wearing Team Flare uniforms sep into the van. I was at the very back, furtherst away from the doors so maing a quick run for it was out of the equation.

The grunts looked at me with a shocked expression, it took me a second to realise that the bodies of the unconsiouse guards were still on the floor of the van from when Pikachu shocked them adn because they can't see Pikachu they must have thought that I did this!

"They didn't tell us that she was dangerous!" One of the grunts spoke. "I was told she couldn't hurt a fly she was that weak." Another said, his words instead of hurting me actually made me mad. Not the angry mad but more like the furious mad.

"It doesn't matter you two idiots, she is just a weak girl! Grab her and lets go." The final grunt spoke, his voice was similar to the one I heard before the doors open. Clearly he was the one in charge.

Two of the grunts headed towards me while the other stayed and watched. I tried to defend myself, but of course it was usless especially with Pikachu in my bag which made it harder to move freely. The grunts grabed me by the wrist with a powerful grip and dragged me to the entrence to the van and chucked me out and I landed hard on the gravel path. I yelped in pain upon contact but something told me this was just the beginning of things to come.

~ 💛~

Ash's POV

I follow TalonFlame through a forest, obiously he was taking a short cut because there was no way the van could have got through all of these trees and there didn't seem to be any clear road or path that they could take through here.

"Flame!" The firey bird yells out while flying in circles in mid air, indicating that we had arrived.

I slowed down my pace apon approaching a clearing that contained a large metal base in the middle of the forest. I couldn't make much of the structure as all I could see was the back of it as that is where TalonFlame had lead me.

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