Chapter 34

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Sorry guys for only the 1 update per week! But school is getting harder and I am having very little time to write. But I will not go back on my promise to update a minimum of once a week! So without further hesitation I present Chapter 34 of Golden Heart!!!


Ash's POV

I found Serena in the back of the very van that had kidnapped her. Greninja had revealed where he had hide her. But upon gazing at her I could immeiately tell something was wrong. Her body was curled up into a ball and was lying againts the walls of the van. Her body posture was not weak but more broken.

"Serena?" I say softly. I held an injured Pikachu in my arms and Greninja stood behind me with his arms crossed. Serena didn't reply, her head remained berried in her knees which she held tightly against her body.

The apcense of a responce worried me. I jump inside the van to aproch her. I place my hands on her shoulder to try and get her attention, but instead all I got was a flinch. Serena moved her body away from my touch which only confirmed my suspisions that somthing wasn't right.

"Serena? It's me... Ash." I speak in a calming voice to try and get Serena to look at me but she just turns her body away from me. I could see her try to embed herself in her knees even more while small sounds of tears fill my ears.

I couldn't help but feel my heart being torn apart by the mere sight of her depressend state. I could tell she didn't want me here, she didn't want my comfort , she didn't want my love. But I want to help her!

"Serena, what ever it is that is bothering you let me help you. I can help you." I say while trying to smile but deep down I was sad, not because of what has just happened but because of how it has affected Serena.

"A-Ash... p-please leave me alone." Her soft voice says, she sounded weak and broken and her soul I swore I could hear crying.

"Serena, I want to help." I repond by saying the first thing that comes to mind.

"I DON'T WANT YOUR HELP!" Serena immedately snaps, turning around to reveal her red stained eyes that I could tell once contained tears of a broken soul... a soul that was so fragile that the cracks were more like scars, forver visible and they ran deep into the core of her very heart.

"Serena..." I simply respond while putting on a brave face but it felt like I had just been stabbed through my heart.

Broken. That was the word I could think of to describe not only my heart but also Serena. I held my anger in, I didn't want to make this situation worse by shouting back at her.

"Then what do you want Serena?" I ask. knowing that she was speaking from a broken soul and her words, although they may be hurtul they arn't true! At least I hoped not. I knew the feeling, the feeling of being broken. People may have seen my alwasy smiling after loosing a leauge but really every defeat only breaks me more.

"I-I... I DON'T KNOW!" She shouts while swiftly throwing her body at me and firmly embedding her head into my chest with her hands tightly gripping onto my jacket. Her movments were sudden and it took me a few seconds for my brain to comprehend what had just happned but the feeling of wet tears fill my blue jacket was more than enough.

I wrap my arms around her, letting her tears soak into my jacket, it was a small price to pay but at least now I was close to her, now I could comfort her from whatever darkness was shuronding her.


Serena's POV

I don't know why and I don't care. The warmth, the comfort, the love. It felt like weeks had gone by without those vital components of my happiness, components that felt more like essentals. Without them I feel empty, like they are the pillars that held my happiness high and if one were to break then so would the others anf then I would be thrown back into the hole that contained my darkness, my inner thoughts that had tortured me for so long and made my life a living hell!

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